Face-To-Face with a GIANT HYENA in Ethiopia + Huge Ethiopian Street Food Tour in Harar!

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Since the first time I visited Ethiopia, I had wanted to visit the ancient city of Harar. On this trip, we had a chance to visit, a very short trip just for one full day, but we made the most of the day and crammed in as much street food and exploring as possible. It was one of the overwhelmingly incredibly days - a day I’m still processing now - the food, the people, the hyenas, WOW!

Dire Dawa, Ethiopia - We landed early in the morning in Dire Dawa, the closest city airport to Harar, to begin this street food tour.

Al-Hashimi Sweets - This is the most well known legendary sweets shop in Dire Dawa. They have a number of different sweets, but we tried their baklava, which was excellent.
Price - 20 ETB ($0.71) for everything

Next in Dire Dawa we stopped at a stall near the bus station to eat some Ethiopian street food breakfast. We ordered ful, mashed fava beans with tuna, and eggs, all served on a communal platter with bread. It was delicious, and cooked right before our eyes. All the ladies were so nice and friendly.
Price - 120 ETB ($4.30) for everything

Harar, Ethiopia - It was about an hour drive from Dire Dawa to Harar, but a beautiful drive through the mountains. Harar is an ancient walled city, a maze of back alleys and walking footpaths. We arrived to Harar, dropped off our stuff at the guest house, and continue on exploring. It happened to be Ramadan when we were in Harar, and Harar is a predominantly Muslim city. So we had a chance to stop by a few places where they were preparing food in large quantities. It was amazing to see and smell.

For our first lunch we stopped at a local restaurant that Hailu took us to. Along with a spread of Ethiopian food, one of the main dishes we got was gomen besiga, which is a type of collard greens with meat. It was incredibly good, as was the dulet.
Price - 165 ETB ($5.92) for everything

Harar is one of the cities that everywhere you look, there’s something fascinating and interesting happening. We walked around the markets, explored the walled city for a few hours, and snacked on some street food.

Iftar is the evening meal to end the daily Ramadan fast, and we were invited to participate in the meal with our host family at our guest house. The house was beautiful, traditional Harar Ethiopian style. Along with a bunch of different fried snacks, the main dishes of the evening meal were fenugreek stew with injera and barley soup.

Hyena Man - One of the legends of Harar is the hyenas, which go back hundreds of years, believed to chase out evil spirits and enemy, as well as the hyenas playing a role in the Harar culture. One of the edge of town, in the middle of darkness, the hyena man feeds wild hyenas camel meat. Sitting on a rock, hyena on my back, face to face with a giant hyena, was undoubtedly one of the scariest things I’ve ever done.

Fatira - Finally to end this amazing day of Ethiopian street food and attractions in Harar, Dessie and I had a fatira.
Total price (for 2 and drinks) - 120 ETB ($4.30)

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If anybody in the world deserves an award for celebrating life and food, it is Mark. So mindful and respectful of each of the place and the cultures that he visits. appreciates the Goodness truly from his heart and accepts even the modest of modest food from the poor. not to forget his lovely wife who has been so supportive and understanding . she shares the same passion as his. What a lovely couple!!! Its time discovery / National geographic took cognizance of Mark !!!


U show the positive side of African countries which the media generally don't portray great job man


I am from Kenya and it's always a pleasure travelling to Ethiopia. Such amazing, honest, kind and friendly people. Big Up Mama Africa


Sending love from Jamaica to all Ethiopians


Ethiopia greetings from your beloved brother from Ghana.


I really admire you Mark, you are so respectful of different cultures. And you are so humble, keep up the good work 👍🏽


Now i understand why my Ethiopian colleague giving me food by her straight to my mouth😊
I love Ethiopians they are cool and nice people. Thanks to u Mark❤️


The feeding of the hyenas was amazing!!! When he said that this tradition started hundreds of years ago, my first thought was “I imagine they fed them to keep them from coming into their town and causing any kind of distraction or harm.” In other words, the humans and animals came to an understanding 😊 & that’s beautiful!


Man Ethiopians are different so humble honest, friendly and regardless of the country’s economical situation the people are so proud.


Ethiopians seems very nice and kind people


Beyond happy the African food series still going strong. I wish it will never end. Loving the great work Mark continues to do throughout the series by doing it with so much grace, love and respect. Mark was definitely born for this. ❤️


My mom was born in Harar! Beautiful people, so kind and friendly🇪🇹


The world would be a better place if we treated each other this way. Who else watches for the people and culture, food is just a bonus.


This Ethiopian culture of sharing food maybe that's why their souls are so pure.
God bless Mark, Ying and Micah


omg when the guy offer his food to Mark 😍 How precious is that!!! My heart melted.. and the little kids so innocent and happy God bless them💖


I m from Pakistan, my best regards for all Ethiopian friends, lots of loves n respects, Ethiopians are so friendly, I never knew that ...


Beautiful precious people and country God bless from UK 🇬🇧


I almost cried watching this video, African people are amazing!


Big love from United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪 to Ethiopia 🇪🇹 ❤️😍


Love your humility Mark, if there's one thing have learned from you over the years is the respect for every different cultures, u were raised well Mark
