Black Mirror Scene Analysis of White Christmas

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How can a human being put something through deep psychological torture and feel no remorse? At first glance, John Hamm’s character Matt appears to be nothing more than a psychopath without any empathy or emotions. However, after watching the scene over and over, Matt’s actions seem at least a little bit more justifiable as he doesn’t see Greta’s copy as a person. In the Black Mirror episode “White Christmas,” the mise en scène, high and low camera angles, framing, and distinct audio and video filters sever the virtual world from the real one to present an argument about the rights of artificial intelligence in the future.
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What they did to the guy at the end of this episode was beyond cruel... it was pure evil. They gave him 1, 000 years per minute... for Christmas. Millions of years trapped in a room.


This episode was absolutely brilliant, horrifying, disturbing, and haunting.


Cookies are pointless, why would you need something with human intelligence to do something Alexa could do in 5-10 years


His actions toward A.I Greta were still cruel and I think he knew it - even if he sort of saw her as code. Otherwise there would be no need to punish her by keeping her locked in that room for virtual months. He was an awful human being


I just recently started a Black Mirror analysis series myself - guess that's how I ended up on your channel. Good job - great analysis.


I don't have many questions or comments about White Christmas, I've seen almost every argument/debate this episode has to offer regarding it's subject matter, rehashed over and over in various comment sections about it. However, finding out the director specifically with this scene influences the perspective the majority of it's audience take upon first viewing (empathy/sympathy for the A.I.) was very enjoyable to watch and learn. So instead I'll leave you with this.

This is one of few great gems of film analysis I've found on yt that's specifically informative about the more straightforward aspects of filming/directing (expressed with proper terms by someone who clearly has an education) in a rough of many subjective videos where people express the art of writing or merely a subjective opinion of how it resonates with them or others. Not to say those videos bad, I love them. But I loved this too, and in my opinion it's a damn shame many find this side of film analysis which is derivative of humour and feels more like it's from a teacher rather than a friend "boring" and for that they go unrecognised. So for that I hope anyone who does appreciate this side of film analysis ends up finding this video and your channel. You deserve it for your efforts, thank you.


This is the most horrifying and cruel thing ever conceived


I mean, just look at what the average person can do to NPCs in Skyrim. That could be a good episode.

Call it "Quicksaving..."


Talk about a guy who has way to much time

This guy might as well be the director for how well the explainations are


The idea of humans thinking less of a.i. or clones never made much sense to me. You can’t place a value on human life... but you definitely could for copies humans considering how much money went into building them. From a monetary standpoint their life is probably worth more than a humans.


I know this is silly but I would make the most luxurious fun stimulating existence for the AI person. The AI person would be more willing to help me if I was nice. Being AI would they eventually go insane, or would they be incapable of such relief?


I thought we were suppose to see Her as human to better understand the AI mindset. As to much AI when first awoken, act child like with an adult like understand. to with her being the first AI with a human knowledge to life but a child like understand to the rules of being an AI. Never saw him as anthing but what he was the first time I saw him, a con man. maby if we didn't see him before all of this but I haven't been to shocked by most of these (except "Dance with me" on a little bit) but this was a different look at it. good luck with your video and hope to see more.


Very interesting, thanks. Poor Matt.. er and A.I., Google, Amazon.

(looks around) I'm surprised I'm the first to comment. Felt like I learned something. Though I'm no film student, I really enjoyed the behind the scenes process in theater. It's fascinating watching as someone go through the purpose for everything in a scene. Bravo!


I think the biggest question on my mind is, what determines which Greta she becomes, the real or A.I? Oftentimes I do find myself thinking fortunate I am to be me, rather than say, a North Korean citizen, and why my perception is here, rather than somewhere/someone else. Before materialists will jump down my throat, I'm not necessarily saying that we are not our brains. I suppose the better question would be, why am I this brain rather than another? Why did it come to be that I'm a 35 year old male born in the west, rather than say a Japanese male, 30 years old, in Japan?


This episodes remind me of I have no mouth and I must scream.


What's the point of having a copy of yourself controlling the alexa thing instead of an advanced actual AI


Star Trek Deep Space Nine had an episode where O'Brien was put into a virtual prison for 20 years, but in reality it was just hours in the real world. So not a new idea.


Geez, how can someone exploit something if it gives them unlimited power? You would know better than I.




In a way, what makes Alexa different from a Cookie? Nothing. Alexa’s ultimate goal is to know you as well as yourself to satisfy your needs as well as possible. So maybe we’re looking at the future version of Alexa (or Siri, Google Assistant, etc.) here…
