Astro's Playroom FULL GAME 100% All Trophies (PS5) Platinum

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Astro's Playroom Full Walkthrough for PS5 In this longplay I show you all collectibles locations and also all trophies you can get in the levels to obtain the Platinum. How to complete all missions and objectives and play through the full game. Played, recorded and edited (removed loadings, mistakes, etc) by myself with HDPVR2 to make my own original longplay

For specific timestamps for every single collectibles, please refer to the walkthrough in parts:

0:00 CPU Plaza
05:45 Memory Meadow
23:04 GPU Jungle
43:15 Cooling Springs
1:00:45 SSD Speedway
1:18:48 Final Boss
1:35:42 PlayStation Labo


Follow Me!

♥♥♥♥♥ #WishingTikal About: Hey there, I'm Gen, or Tikal. I worked years on Gamefaqs writing walkthroughs. Now I make video guides out of them. I do 100% collectibles runs to show where all of the secrets are. I record all footage all by myself, every single one, and edit them together to remove mistakes, or loading times, to make for the best and most fluid viewing experience possible and help others. My walkthroughs are usually of superior quality, so pick mines! I record in 1080p most of the time, except my older videos which are in 720p. I use HDPVR2 to record. I work the hardest possible to provide you the best gaming help. All games are posted with permission from the owners and some game codes are also often given by the publisher. I mostly use El Gato, Hauppage HDPVR, OBS, XSplit or any other program I need depending on the game to record Thanks for watching my videos! ♥
Рекомендации по теме

Best “tech demo” game since Nintendoland. It really should be everyone’s first PS5 game


The vibration in this game is so cool and satisfying


Just finished the game. As someone who’s been with Sony since the PS1 days this was a great holiday trip down memory lane.


1:40:26 | "Surely it can't get any smaller than this"
1:40:37 | "Ok, maybe it can"


1:16:13: Who else remembers that classic sound from the PlayStation 2? I certainly do. I played the PS2 a lot when I was a kid. Oh those were the days… 🥹 Long live PlayStation 🎮❤️


This game had no business being so good.


2:22 such an adorable sound coming from Astro.


This game is too cool and the best thing it is free


What makes this ten times better is it's already installed an it a trip through memories


5:43 Memory meadow
23:03 GPU jungle
43:14 Cooling spring
1:00:43 SSD speedway
1:18:47 Final boss

All startups
21:30 Ps1 startup
1:16:13 Ps2 startup
59:03 Ps3 startup
40:43 Ps4 startups

All artifacts
21:45 Ps1
1:16:18 Ps2
59:19 Ps3
41:55 Ps4
1:35:17 Ps5


Astro deserves to turn into a plushie. This little bot is so cute and adorable.


Arguably the best Sony game out there. References many different designs, logos, and even references games made by Sony! (Including: Ape Escape, Banjo Kazooie, Tomb Raider, and even Loco Roco.)Lets you also collect your favorite Sony consoles as collectables in-game! Also, it really shows how far Sony has come as a franchise! Personally, I've already played the game 3 times to maximum completion, but it never lost it's charm. If you're a big Sony fan, then this is the perfect game for you! 10/10 Would absolutely recommend. One warning though if you want to play this game. The lightning stage is hard. *very* hard. Oh and don't even get me started on the Marble Speedrun stage. Aside this, which zone is your favorite? Comment it! if you want to you don't really have to if you don't want i- I'm gonna stop talking now.


My son adores this game but I cannot bring myself to play it on repeat, this has been a sanity saver. Thank you!


This was such a fun game and spent all day to get it 100% complete


I was only playing GTA5 in playstation 5.When i saw this game, i learned that there’s greater games than GTA5.


Such a adorable and cute and also very fun game. I really recommend it. Getting platinum was a blast and I loved collecting all the artifacts and puzzle pieces. It’s awesome how you know the devs care. If you keep watching the credits and say and read it, it will occasionally say “oh you’re still here? Here’s 1000 cool points!”

Edit : I know this is a npc type comment, I just loved the game


I go to pick up my PS5 today and didn't know this was a free game. That's awesome!


5:43 memory meadow
23:03 GPU jungle
43:14 cooling spring
1:00:43 SSD speedway
1:18:47 final boss

All startups
21:30 ps1 startup
1:16:13 ps2 startup
59:03 ps3 startup
40:43 ps4 startups

All artifacts
21:45 ps1
1:16:18 ps2
59:19 ps3
41:55 ps4
1:35:17 ps5


This is giving me super Mario sunshine vibes! Definitely gonna try this now that I got my ps5!


I've had my PS5 for 3 years, and yet I still find myself coming back to this gem every now and then . It's just an absolute joy 😃 !
