ΤΑΤΟΙ: Πως είναι σήμερα οι τάφοι των Βασιλιάδων - Πως είναι το μνήμα του τ Βασιλιά Κωνσταντίνου

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ΤΑΤΟΙ: Πως είναι σήμερα οι τάφοι των Βασιλιάδων - Πως είναι το μνήμα του τ Βασιλιά Κωνσταντίνου
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Hello from Ireland.
If your video, (didn't mentioned Tatoi, Royals tombs), I could easily say. That you went to film in Balkan district (some Balkan country, or some Muslim nation), I can't say that I am not surprised by the whole image = situation.
In Greece, the Greek state (pays attention to someone, or some individuals, while these individuals are still in life!!!), despite the fact, (if they cause trouble or too much noise). After you pass away, "you belong in history"!!
Greece, always was a (100%) spoiled nation = country, with spoiled nationals across country for many decades!!! And Greeks still are today, extremely spoiled nationals!! Greece, was lucky enough to have Royal dynasty (while its own citizens, hated and loved Royals whenever it suits them!!!).
The last one, is still valid nowadays (2023, 2024, 2030, 2040, 2050 and goes on!!).
The location with the Royals tombs you show on camera, describes (1000%) the behaviour - mood - organization of how Greek state really worked that time and still works in (21st century). Is (1000%) the education and culture of Greek nation in majority, to not care much for someone (who, once he was the head of the state).
From my point of view, because, I come from Royalists (is good, if the family) contacts with some people in near communities around Tatoi Royal Estate. So they can find some people (a group of locals) who can volunteer twice per month, to keep Royals tombs clean and generally speaking now, the whole area must look (100%) civilized and human.
Once upon the time, the late King had mentioned that, (My power, is the love for my people). So, how Greeks that time, and today, shows their love to their last King??? To his family???
That images, is like I watch scenes from movies (13th Warrior, Mordor from Lord of the Rings), is a completely dead land where only zombies walks around after (01:00am). Nobody should not surprise, if "some individuals without brain, goes up to Tatoi, to have fun all around, and by some weird accident blows up the tombs"!!! Without noticing that one!!!
Tatoi, as it looks like today, is the biggest shame for all Greeks and all Greek state - administration who passed from Greece the last (50 years, and has continue!!).


Εδώ άφησαν ολόκληρο νηκηταρα στην ζητιανιά.
