The Purpose of Education
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This video describes why an education is important as well as the many purposes of an education. Some of the reasons that an education is so important is that it helps prepare students for college. What is the purpose of education? If you ask the students, many of them would say it’s a waste of time. The fact of the matter is…. Student just don’t understand why having an education is so important. The most common answer your students would say is that getting a good job or career is the main purpose of an education. Yes, getting a job is one reason an education is necessary, but as teachers, we must provide our students with other reasons as to why an education is so valuable to today’s youth. When students value their education, they have a better chance at achieving academic and life success.
One of the purposes of an education is to develop critical thinking in our students. Critical thinking will help students solve problems, design plans, and create solutions. You won’t be able to navigate through life if you’re not able to think through and solve life’s issues.
Students learn rules and regulations at schools. Rules actually provide emotional stability and physical safety to children. Rules guide students toward the proper actions to becoming fully functional citizens.
You acquire knowledge through an education. Children in school should begin to understand more and more about the world around them, as they master subjects like chemistry or understand how society got here through history.
Math, for example, is an essential component of many of life’s activities such as counting objects, managing money, cooking recipes, shopping, calculating tips, and so much more.
Education leads to the development of communication skills. Leadership and communication go hand in hand. It would be hard to find an effective leader or manager that lacks effective communication skills and strategies.
Studies show that as children successively pass, succeed, and graduate from school, they become more confident. And being confident will help a person take on life’s challenges and form relationships with others.
Perhaps the greatest function of an education is to develop a child’s ability to read. Imagine how difficult it is, for someone living during the information age, to not be able to read. The term reading survivability, best describes the value of reading.
Lastly, schools are a place of socialization, where children interact with each other, so attending schools, will increase socialization skills, which corresponds with an increase in mental health and wellness. It also leads to fun.
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This video describes why an education is important as well as the many purposes of an education. Some of the reasons that an education is so important is that it helps prepare students for college. What is the purpose of education? If you ask the students, many of them would say it’s a waste of time. The fact of the matter is…. Student just don’t understand why having an education is so important. The most common answer your students would say is that getting a good job or career is the main purpose of an education. Yes, getting a job is one reason an education is necessary, but as teachers, we must provide our students with other reasons as to why an education is so valuable to today’s youth. When students value their education, they have a better chance at achieving academic and life success.
One of the purposes of an education is to develop critical thinking in our students. Critical thinking will help students solve problems, design plans, and create solutions. You won’t be able to navigate through life if you’re not able to think through and solve life’s issues.
Students learn rules and regulations at schools. Rules actually provide emotional stability and physical safety to children. Rules guide students toward the proper actions to becoming fully functional citizens.
You acquire knowledge through an education. Children in school should begin to understand more and more about the world around them, as they master subjects like chemistry or understand how society got here through history.
Math, for example, is an essential component of many of life’s activities such as counting objects, managing money, cooking recipes, shopping, calculating tips, and so much more.
Education leads to the development of communication skills. Leadership and communication go hand in hand. It would be hard to find an effective leader or manager that lacks effective communication skills and strategies.
Studies show that as children successively pass, succeed, and graduate from school, they become more confident. And being confident will help a person take on life’s challenges and form relationships with others.
Perhaps the greatest function of an education is to develop a child’s ability to read. Imagine how difficult it is, for someone living during the information age, to not be able to read. The term reading survivability, best describes the value of reading.
Lastly, schools are a place of socialization, where children interact with each other, so attending schools, will increase socialization skills, which corresponds with an increase in mental health and wellness. It also leads to fun.