The Secret Life of Trees

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There's been a lot of research on the ability of trees and forests to sequester carbon and how much they can sequester and different types of forests, etc. And this can be used to argue for the protection of forests, but again the danger here is that when we gauge forest health or when we instrumentalize forests based on carbon, then anything that doesn't have an obvious carbon impact gets left out of the equation.

#CharlesEisenstein #Climate #Gaia #Interbeing #Authors #Philosophy #Politics #Biophilia #LivingPlanet
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This is a little off-topic, but what I really love about your videos is how you have access to both sides of your brain. You're empathetic, creative, science-minded, and logical. It seems you are an unusual mind (at least in my world) and what I hope the future of all humans will look like. Thank you..


Thank you Charles - in this case for reminding us that trees stack more than one function!


All trees and all forests are not equal is a great takeaway here- thank you for sharing your insights about the importance and beauty and necessity of trees!


Forests are amazing. They are so important when it comes to stabilizing our climate.


Good points! It’s sort of obvious yet forgotten and so important to be reminded of! Thanks!


My only criticism about your videos is that there isn't a "Love" button :). " Like" just doesn't seem enough! I would love your thoughts on using hemp and bamboo crops instead of trees for building etc. Although both would be mono crops, I have to wonder if they would be better as they both grow really fast and have so many functions


Thank you, this is so important... We need to stop focussing on CO2.


What's interesting from an economic perspective is that a lot of logging is now done by mechanical fellar buncher thus displacing human workers and devastating landscapes. Full circle might be when people put the machines out of work for a better ecological future for all.


All around my land is DNR land that is gradually being logged. The last remaining side of my property is still forested and will be logged in a couple years, leaving my land as a tiny island of PNW trees. It is very sad to see. DNR explains, like you did Charles, that cutting trees for lumber, and regrowing is a sustainable, even carbon sequestering practice. Yet, the way it devastates the land all around, hundreds of acres of land just dry and a mess. The web of life looks destroyed, logging looks so destructive! Could that not even leave some corridors for wild life and to grow a few huge 100's of yr old tree? Just so future generations know what is possible? Then the spray to remove "competition" by other pioneer plants and trees to speed succession of the "profit" making trees. Something does not seem right! The chemical sprays go in our air and water as neighbors. Have we no commons, no rights unless we own the land? what about the value of biodiversity? or water cycles? what about the conifers all showing patches of brown needles in the last few years? I am wishing logging where made illegal. Find another material to build with. Let our forests grow and heal keeping us cool and doing so much more for us.


Could your definition not extend to AI?


Trying to explain the beauty and wonder of our Mother Earth to left brain science oriented people just can’t be done. The reason we are in the mess we are in can be layer at the feet of scientists. I can only hope that human populations decrease faster than than the other life forms so that maybe they can regenerate without human violence.
