Is the Door of Justice Opening? Chastisements and Our Response

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Have you heard an increasing amount of Catholic chat about prophecies of Chastisements? Today we delve into our response as a Catholic family and challenge you to a particular invitation to say a daily Rosary and invite people to pray with you for 3 specific intentions.

Relevant quotes:
St Faustina: “Write: before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice…” Diary, 1146 (cf., John 10:7: “I am the Door.”)

Pope Pius XI: “The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight and to keep oneself from sin…If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to recite the Rosary. Let not even one day pass without saying it, no matter how burdened you may be with many cares and labors.”

Sr Lucia and the message of from the angel: Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High. ... Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners. You will thus draw down peace upon your country"

1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 - Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good.
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This couple is a rare breed. Love seeing and hearing committed inspiring Catholics like them ❤


Thank you both for such wonderful thoughts and prayers for us. You 2 are so beautiful. Im sharing this to my 22yr old grandson who suffers with TGCT. Its a form of cancer. He is so dispondent. Hes baptized but nothing else. Ive been working on increasing his faith, he barely has any. Maybe this will open his eyes and heart to God. ❤🙏🏼 God bless you and your growing family.


I have a prayer group meeting at my home every week. It’s about 7 women we pray for our families and pray the chaplet together. We also say daily Mass and attend daily Mass for reparation . We stared During Covid and we are so blessed to have this time together our patron saint of our group is Saint Joseph. Thank you for all you do on this channel God bless


This message is so important! I have a brother who is a priest, and he has been promoting home Rosary groups for decades. He advises keeping them simple: Rosary and maybe Divine Mercy Chaplet too, but don't add on lots of extra prayers and devotions, and have a stated end time so that people can feel free to leave at that time. He said people sometimes stop coming when prayer group meetings drag on for too long and people feel like they're obligated to have to stay for too long.


I thank God that He is using Godly couples to be courageous witnesses for fathers, mothers, children and families in its entirety.... God bless your mission, and may the Blessed Queen and Mother Mary cover your family with her blue mantle of love and protection, for the glory God.


we follow you from New Zealand and we are so grateful you are part of our lives.
thanks for all your efforts, May God bless you and all the best with the pregnancy.


I've read over and over prayer has no time or limits like we think. So we can go back and offer all our sufferings to God as HE is beyond time and space. How good is God?! 🙏💜


I would totally pray a rosary with these guys if they made a video!! Or even live?! So peaceful and beautiful!! ❤ 🙏📿🙏


I am watching from Singapore. With 3 of my girlfriends, we started Googlemeet 10pm nightly to recite pray rosary for our family n the world on May 19 2024. Grateful.❤


Ken, so agree with your point about elections and praying for change of hearts. I have been praying for that here in the USA this election for the light to get brighter and the dark to get darker and for the scales to fall from the eyes of those being deceived and used. God bless your ministry and family.❤


Beautiful! I recently started a monthly rosary with my family...brothers, sisters and all their children. I hope it continues to grow. Thanks for this wonderful message.


Absolutely Beautiful 😊I needed this so much🙏God Bless You Always Trust In God


🙏🙏🙏🙏God's Richest Blessing to You and Your Children Heart's Throughout this Day Alleluia Alleluia Amen


GOD OUR ABBA IS A PERFECTLY MERCIFUL & LOVING GOD BUT HE IS ALSO PERFECTLY JUST. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us sinners. Create in us humble & contrite hearts. Create in us a heart like your heart. BLESSED MOTHER MARY PLEASE INTERCEDE FOR US. AMEN🙏🙏🙏


Love your videos ❤! Thank you for your inspiration and reminders of our intentions in praying the rosary. I pray a daily rosery. God bless you both.


Thank you, Ken and Janelle. May God bless you and your family.


Thank you so much for sharing this because I have been feeling so overwhelmed. I too have started the family rosary again. May God Bless you all and your family.


We have an online Flame of Love Cenacle since 2020. We meet every Monday night for about 60 to 90 minutes. We say the Flame of Love rosary for our families, our community, our country and the whole world. We are well over 15 committed members from across Canada.
What a blessing this has been for all of us. That’s 209 prayed rosaries. 👏🙏


Also, thank you so much for making this video. God bless you both as well as your precious family.❤


So beautifully put! What an inspiring and important video! God bless you all ❤❤ 📿
