Our FIRST TIME at a Latter-day Saint Church in Utah

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This was Pastor Jeff & Joy's first time attending LDS Church Meeting in Utah! How did we feel? What did we learn? Check out our honest reaction.

Hello Saints! My name is Jeff McCullough and I'm a Christian Pastor.
This channel is devoted to fighting criticism with curiosity as I invite dialogue between Christians and Mormons. Are Mormons christians? What do christians and Latter Day Saints agree and disagree about? Join me as I compare and contrast the lifestyle, culture and beliefs of Mormons and non-LDS Christians.

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This was a very unique “first” for us. What did we miss that needs more explanation?


I super appreciate your regard and respect for our religion. This world would be heaven on earth if we were all this way when learning about other people.


Thank you for being fair, kind, open minded, and respectful. You both are lovely, and have such sweet spirits. My husband and I are converts to the LDS faith...Me for over 40 years, and my husband for over 30 years. We have always been interested in seeing, hearing, and understanding how other religions practice their faith. Over the years we have had some unfortunate nasty experiences by Evangelicals presuming to know what the LDS church is all about; nor our hearts. It is my profound belief that each human being must find their own path to God. I feel what is badly needed in this world today is for believers of all Christian faiths to come together for the common good of mankind. We need to abandon petty differences, and focus on the teachings of what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about: Love, service, forgiveness, acceptance. You are so worthwhile in helping achieve this end. Thank you again.


Walking in late is pretty typically for Latter-Day Saints, so you fit right in


Thank you for your kind review on the LDS faith. I love how you point out the goodness and differences between the two traditions. What I love the most is how you draw the commonalities and the way Christ is worshiped.


I was raised Methodist and became converted to the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints while in college in 1963. Thank you and Joy for so respectfully and genuinely sharing your reflections after visiting your first LDS Fast & Testimony meeting. When you pointed out the shift you heard from focus on Jesus Christ to testimonies of "the Church is true, Joseph Smith is true, the Book of Mormon is true, the temple is true, etc." (the points of difference), I saw a mistake I was making, and perhaps along with other fellow saints, by not realizing what I mean when saying those things are true. I had to ask myself "What do I mean when I say that or hear that?".
What I mean by saying "the church is true" is it's true that Jesus organized and established a church in New Testament times, like Ephesian 2:20, and also inaugurated it's restitution in these latter-days as foretold in Acts 3:21. I would say it's true that Jesus built His church upon the foundation of apostles and prophets with Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone both times, . It's true because Jesus is the head of the Church and leads it today. And I could add many other acts of Jesus regarding His church.
It would be the same for the phrase "Joseph Smith is true", because Jesus and God the Father came to Joseph in vision, and Jesus revealed His will to Joseph many, many times to instruct and guide him in restoring His church as a true prophet, like Amos 3:7.
What I mean by "The Book of Mormon is true" is I believe Jesus gave us the Book of Mormon scriptures. I believe Jesus fore-planned the Book of Mormon for our day to strengthen faith in Him and in the Bible to bring us salvation. and to clarify doctrine and reduce contention among other things. I believe Jesus speaks to us through the preserved scripture writings of the Book of Mormon of the Americas, just like the Bible preserves the writings of Judah. I believe Jesus gifted Joseph Smith with the ability to translate the ancient languages etched on the metal plates. I believe the words of the Book of Mormon come from Jesus for our salvation. I believe Jesus came to the Americas and visited one of the lost broken-off branches of the House of Israel (He visited others) for their salvation. I believe Jesus remembers all of his scattered sheep and is the good shepherd of the whole world from the beginning of mankind. I believe the truth of all this by the power of the Holy Ghost witnessing to me.

I won't continue here with the other phrases mentioned, but you get the idea. Jesus is in, and through, and above, and below, and before, and behind everything we believe. Discussions about how He more personally saves, changes our hearts, and directs our lives would hopefully be found in our homes and in our Relief Society, Priesthood, Young Men, Young Women, and Primary classes, and in the temple.
As a Church we are being asked by our Prophet to improve by remembering and using the correct name of our Church -- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- and to better rivet our focus on our Savior in our homes and in all our meetings where we teach, speak, and strive to serve and minister as Christ did. Your reflections on your visit to a Fast & Testimony meeting and noticing a shift away from a focus on Jesus has awakened me to see where I need to improve by acknowledging Jesus foremost in whatever I've been leaving unseen or unsaid!! Thank you for your wake-up call!


My wife is a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and she sings to our grands Jesus loves me, the Scriptures tell me so. Unique because of the additional Scriptures of the LDS faith of the other testaments/scriptures of Jesus. I was raised Pentacostal and was Southern Baptist children's pastor in my 20's. I studied the LDS faith for 4 years and the Spirit revealed to me that it was all true and I joined the church in 2019. It has been such a joy to experience how the Lord works in His people on all of the earth. I appreciate you and your wife's willingness to learn and grow about a different denomination of Jesus.


I'm a convert. I got baptized in Bolivia when I was 18 years old. My first time going to church was also on fasting testimony meeting. There was a lot of new things I heard that day and raised so many questions. Specially how people would have a relationship with Heavenly Father and see Him in every step of their lives. I learned then that the fasting is not only to keep us from eating or drinking anything, but to help us get closer to Heavenly Father. We also donate what we don't spend in those couple meals to help those in need. That's what I initially loved from this church; that all donations go to help others and to biuld the kingdom of God here on earth, and not in the pocket of a leader. I've seen and helped with the bishop's wearhouse where food is being given to so many families that needed the most. Those donations come from the church members when they fast in the name of Jesus Christ. That makes it sacred money.

I love your channel and seeing you there with your beautiful wife is amazing. Please keep up the good work. 🌻❤️


As a believing latter-day-saint, I was so touched by Joy’s Christlike attitude of feeling privileged to associate in a non-judgmental way with our people. I hope that we as members can afford the same charity. ♥️


The sacrament is a time to reflect on Christ and to renew your baptismal covenant. We use water because Jesus said he would give us living water. We have bread because Jesus is the bread of life. Grateful for your respectful way of explaining your experience.


I'm LDS and live in Salt Lake County. I have a friend who is a Pastor and have attended a few of his services in addition to ours to show my interest and support. I have also invited him to listen to LDS General Conference. Ive attended a social event that took place in his neighborhood with him a few years ago, so as to help him feel a little more at ease. It's been fun to interact with him and to understand each other's views and practices. We've chosen to not argue or bash, but to respect and support each other. We've had very interesting conversations about Old Testament topics and other common interests.


❤ I’m a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in NY, and I appreciate so much how kind and respectful you are about your experience! ❤


Thank you so much for being so respectful! It is great to get both of your perspectives on our church services.


I love that we dress a little nicer on Sundays. It sets that day apart from the rest of the week. But we would never turn anyone away if they weren’t in a suit and tie or a dress. We’re just happy they’re there. I also love the continuity of the LDS faith. You can pretty much go to any ward throughout the world and expect the same types of meetings/fast offerings/organizations that are done in the states. You’ll hear the same sacrament prayers, be on the same lessons, etc. It’s familiar and feels like a home away from home for a few hours. My husband and I like to visit other wards as we travel to other countries. It’s like having an instant family wherever we go. It would be interesting for you to visit a ward outside of the U.S.


Regarding your comment about having a sermon each week like a meal that feeds us (which I think is a great analogy), I think at least part of the reason for that difference is that in the LDS context, there is a greater emphasis on each of us individually devoting time during the week in studying the scriptures and preparing that "meal" ourselves.


Regarding the sacrament service. Deacons are young men who are turning 12 this year and they are often the ones who pass the sacrament.
Teachers are young men who are turning 14 this year and they prepare the sacrament. They fill the water cups, and place the bread on the trays, and put the trays on the table
Priests are young men who are turning 16 and they break the bread and bless the sacrament. One of the things I have always loved about the sacrament prayer is that it is the same prayer the Nephites said. In the book of Moroni at the end of the book, Moroni is writing down a few things he thinks are important to be included, and writes down the sacrament prayer.


LDS here. I appreciate the respect you show to the LDS community. It’s good to know our neighbors with whom we have a common love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.


I enjoyed learning about the similarities and differences in our two faiths. That was really cool! Thank you!


One thing to note is that as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we believe that we are saved by the grace of Christ after all we can do. He commands us to do things and we try to keep His commandment to the best of our ability, but He knows we will fail, so He looks at our intentions as well as our actions and if our intentions are pure He will extend mercy through His grace. If we keep His commandments, take upon us the necessary covenants, and strive to be more Christ like everyday we believe that we will be exalted to live with our Heavenly Father.


I love this!! So glad you brought your wife!
I’ve never in my life seen someone object to a calling but over the years I’ve seen the wisdom in sustaining people in a calling. It’s an opportunity for everyone to know who’s doing what in a congregation, if someone objects to another’s calling it would be because they either have had conflict with that person or perhaps feels that person shouldn’t be serving in that way. That would give the bishop a chance to discuss with that person and understand their reasons. Because you go to church with all your neighbors everyone knows each other.
But for the most part as you accurately put, the bishop has a pretty good pulse on the people and who can serve best in particular jobs. For the most part sustaining is another way we try to support each other in following the commandment of Jesus Christ to serve and love one another. We learn more about the Savior by trying to do as he would do and build up each other in His kingdom.

Thank you for your thoughtful content, it’s enjoyable as always!
