Power Of Isolation

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Every negative thing have two sides!
People suffering dying and people enjoying your suffering sitting in palace!
There those talking about it, those writing about it, those benefits from it..


Surrond yourself with people that actually care and are there for you in your time of need.


I had summer vaication and I spended 3 weeks with just myself I had contact with people but not really much I just read my bible and Made food I exerscised etc and I feel way better ❤❤


True; It’s easy to get carried away by the crowd and lose yourself in the moments spent around strangers —even those you take as friends. Having a moment alone helps you see yourself a little clearer so that you don’t get lost in the mirage of yourself and essentially become brainwashed into believing you are what you portray yourself to be in order to facilitate the “language” of social interaction. Our truest selves run deeper than the shallow edges we protrude to make ourselves known to others. It’s not as easy to portray and sometimes it is a private affair that should not be overindulged both for your own sake and theirs —the strangers.


I need to be in my own world to improve on myself 😭


Are you always around people? If you’re always around people then it’s normal to isolate yourself sometimes to recharge but if most of the time you are alone, then it can be perceived differently…
Sometimes like self- centered!
Eventually you can start having some type of subliminal allusinative thoughts

I just saw the whole video!


The world view indicates a lot about us!

the world's endless inconsistencies!
The lenses that you are wearing will determine lot of your world's views

If you'd put on my lenses you'd be confused..

If I put on my lenses you'd be confused..
But it is important for humanity environmental, to lend someone else's lenses/ glasses/ frames and eye 👁️ and perhaps his / her perception
To see how he/ she see and why then you can feel it, wear their shoes 👞 to walk around with for a short period, then give him back his glasses and lenses if they don't fit you, if you are troubled with them..,

Dangerous people never try to wear someone else's glasses/ lenses/ shoes or eyes then they judge you severely as if you killed Their mother with daggers!

Here we are!
Welcome to the world of self-righteous and self- center!
I am the center! .. of the world, every one wants me dead..


You scared me with the title!

I think it is
Power of solitude vs power of detachment

I have learned that to observe something!

Solitude = being alone with God.
Detached / retreat = being alone !
The persona do not feel lonely the person
who enjoy their own company…

Then I learned that

Isolation is due to = emotional pain

A persona is forced to be socially isolated ! This
Isolation is self-protection from society it is forced, out of pain, not voluntary this type of isolation will take revenge soon or later
To bring you back to the object/ emotion/ feelings mental image you are running from!

-Isolation is self-protection from society outside

And whereas solitude is preparation for society….


Forced isolation is like solitary confinement in prison…
