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Two Thousand Years Later: New Action Figure/Plush Toy


how they present there items is literally the best thing ever!


i love it when new merch comes out bc there's almost always a remix of one of the soundtracks


LSplash, I have a update idea: Sandbox mode: it is a mode that gives you admin commands, you need to”Rock Bottom” badge to play it, you can’t use the rift and can’t get badges, it can also be played in any mode

[Edit 1] You can’t get knobs from it too


who remembers the yootooz seek



Im so proud of doors right now they have done a lot these couple months


Oh man I didn’t get to get it but still good job on the updates keep up the good work👍🏼


Modifier ideas (sorry i'm commenting this here too, but there's a few new ones)

Double Trouble: Rush and Ambush will Always attack together. Rush now rebounds twice. (+25% Knobs, Requires Not Five Stars, Can't Be Mixed with Room For More.)

Hatred: Screech Will Spawn Every 4 Seconds (Excluding Cutscenes, +50% Knobs, requires I Hate You.)

You Truly Can't Run: Seek will be Very Unairly Fast, The Chase Will Be Longer. (Requires Hotel Hell, can't be mixed with It Can Run Too, +35% Knobs.)

Good Memory: Dupe Will Never Spawn. (Requires Outwitted, -20% Knobs, Can't be mixed with Battle of Wits or Wrong Number.)

Did We Make It In Time?: The Entities of The Backdoor can now spawn, including haste, with the levers. (Requires Around Back, +10% Knobs)

We Made It In Time!: The Entities of The Backdoor are now harder, and can spawn in any room. (Requires Other Way Around, +30% Knobs)

EveryOne Is Here!: All Entities From All Versions [including Super Hard Mode, The Backdoor and RetroMode] can now spawn. This Also Adds Every Item from those versions. Progress and Rift disabled. (Requires Hotel Hell, Other Way Around, Back on Track, and Rock Bottom. +250% Knobs. Beating This will grant an achievment called "Hotel's Purgatory: Beat The Hotel's True Hell.")

A Stroll Through Halls: makes it so No Entities can harm you and that EVERY entity (excluding the ones from SHM, and the BackDoor) is here, adds the music from Jammin', and no doors (excluding the one from Door 0), can be locked. you can't earn any Knobs. the Rift is Disabled, Cutcenes are Disabled, Progress Disabled, and Jeff's Shop is empty. you can interact with all the entities and get a message from Guiding Light (or Curious Light), and reaching Door 100 sends you back to the lobby. The Rooms are unlocked, and are free for exploration. with this comes an item that teleports you back to the hotel. this is unlocked after beating the game with -90% Knobs.

Error Terror: Glitch has replaced Every entity, The Hotel is very unstable, and Glitch can now be Fatal. this requires Error, and Hotel Hell. +15%.

Suffering: makes you complete The Rooms, The BackDoor, and The Hotel in one run. +100% Knobs, requires Other Way Around, Back on Track, and Rock Bottom.

Figured...: The Library now has 3 Figures roaming around. Requires All Figured Out. +75% Knobs.

Hide and...: Seek's Chase now is Three Times as long, and a lot harder. Requires You Can Run and Take A Breather. +65% Knobs. Gives an achievement called "Crecscendo: You Escaped, For Now."

SEEK: Seek's Chase Six Times as long as Normal. this requires the afformentioned "Crescendo" Achievement. +75% Knobs

Comin' Through!: Rush and Ambush have now swapped. Requires Stay Out of My Way, Unbound, Out Of My Way, and Rebound. +35% Knobs

Evicted: You have 1.5 Second of Hiding Time. Ambush Can't Spawn. Hide does Twice as much damage. Does Not Count With Figure's Library and Door 100. +75% Knobs.

Hated: Screech spawns every 2 seconds, but does one third of his damage (15 HP). +65% Knobs

Tunnel Vision: Eyes will always spawn right infront of the player's POV. +20% Knobs.

Levers Everywhere: Almost Every room will be a basement room. +10% Knobs

Banished: Crucifixes never spawn. not even in Jeff's Shop. +5% Knobs

Wait, These Aren't Pancakes: Snare Spawns EVEN MORE. requires Hotel Hell and Rock Bottom. +50% Knobs

Mirrored: Makes you complete the hotel... Backwards. +20% Knobs

Rage Quit: everything is unfair. there are barely any items, no gold, the rift is disabled, progress is disabled, Jeff's Shop is empty, Dupe is set to the hardest difficulty, eyes will always spawn, screech can spawn everywhere, Rush can rebound once, Ambush is a lot more common, and Figure can hear you a lot more easily, and Seek's Chase is a lot longer. +65% Knobs (this is a joke Modifier. look in replies, but mentioning this here [a bit late] though.)

Nostalgia: Reverts you back to the old version. (since this version is a lot easier (no dupe, and you can skip Figure for the key, and you fon't have to collect the breaker switches) +10% Knobs

One thing i want to add on top:
The voice acting from the april fools should only be -30% Knobs.


Doors is slowly coming back ladies and gentlemen


i love when Figure said its figuring time, and he figured everywere.


Lsplash got idea update add old
Gamemode for the old playeros and MAKE IT no limited time because i miss the old game IT was soo good

PLS respond
this and pin if you can so


Sorry to say, but I got modifier ideas.

1. Plenty Of Room
*Entities from the Backdoor, and April Fools events can enter the DOORS universe.
*200% Knobs
*Cannot be mixed with any modifiers involving entities
*Requires Hotel Hell

2. Weekly Allowance
*Gold and diamonds are found nearly everywhere
*Jeff raises his prices by a lot
*-75% Knobs
*Cannot be mixed with anything related to coins (E.G. El Goblino on break)

3. Looks Are Deceiving
*All the entities become cute and cuddly
*Friendlier (still kill)
*-20% Knobs
*Cant be mixed with any entity modifiers

4. Held Back
*Curious Light appears in DOORS, accidentally misguiding the player
*+15% Knobs
*ROOMS is disabled.
*Requires Detour

5. Angelic Power
*Crucifixes can be found ONLY at Jeff’s Shop, with a 30% chance to spawn
*The crucifix banishes an entity FOREVER (in that run, obvs)
*-30% Knobs
*Disables rift

6. Time’s Up
*Levers will appear throughout your DOORS run, and will have the same mechanics as Backdoor, Haste will kill you if the timer ends.
*Rift disabled
*+50% Knobs
*Requires Other Way Around, Rock Bottom

7. Brothers, Unite!
*Blitz and Rush can both attack, sometimes together
*+30% Knobs
*Requires Other Way Around

8. Horrible Sight
*The Lookman and Eyes can spawn, sometimes together.
*30% Knobs
*Requires Other Way Around

9. Just A Hobby
*The Greenhouse starts at door 80, skipping the courtyard.
*35% Knobs
*Requires Not Five Stars

10. Another Day At The Office
*Start in the ROOMS
*+75% Knobs
*Rift disabled
*Requires A-1000, Hotel Hell

If you read this far, then thanks!


I had a feeling Figure was strong considering before the hotel+ update at door 100 he completely avoids the stairs and swings from a pipe to reach you


I like how figure said “its figure time” and proceeds to figure all over the place


Take all of my money. No literally, all of it.


Game: "Dreams"
Me: "wait wat"


Lspash you gotta fix doors modifier "im everywhere" attacks during the breaker puzzle


can the yootooz be on a desk in the lobby plz


This is cool and all but having to wait this long for floor 2 is a little crazy


I've already bought this thanks!😊
