The Artificial Intelligence revolution

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WASHINGTON - Over the 20th century, the development of automated machinery has propelled modern industry and manufacturing into new heights of productivity. However, the cost of this technological advancement has been the displacement of millions of blue collar jobs across the world. In contrast, white-collar labour has always been regarded as safe from the kind of automation that contracted the manufacturing workforce.

The thought of machines replacing educated and skilled professionals had usually seemed a distant problem of the future - until now. In the past few years, advancement in artificial intelligence has skyrocketed and computers are now learning to solve complex problems better and faster than human beings.

As learnings algorithms and computing power continue to become more powerful, many jobs that were once thought to be impossible to automate are slowly but surely shifting towards a silicon workforce.

Andrew Ng lecture:


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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0

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Great to see Caspian Report working on subjects other than pure politics as well. Good decision to be open minded and investigate other important issues that sometimes revolutionize our day-to-day lives.


Have you been practising on an American accent, Shirvan?
0:54 "My name is Nathan..."
Oh, OK.


So... is Nathan the name of the new AI to replace our old human host Shirvan?


The flaw with free market economics is that it doesn't want to critically deal with the disruption and dispossession people experience during market readjustments. The idea that the low skilled workforce worldwide can just train themselves into new niche professions is a fantasy


These next few decades are going to be fun.


Actually really liked this, even though there was no soothing Shirvan voice.
Some good shit.


do one about biotechnology and its effects on the economy


So instead of gettign a degree and having a more or less steady career along with some good balance of private life, we will have to spend much more time throughout our lives to learn shit we dont care about to work some more? Sounds like world of over-achievers.


CGP Grey did a video on this called "Human Need Not Apply" He observes the topic from a different angle


As an artist I am hopeful that my field will be one of the last to be automated. Even if computers *can* create their own renderings of art, they won't be truly "creative" for a much longer time... and even if they are, many people may still prefer art created by an actual human being. I think there's value in that human element of craftsmanship... although maybe just because I'm an artist :P

A lot of art is also related to sociopolitical commentary and subjective feeling, which is certainly out of the immediate grasp of AI.


Such a great video, thanks man. I took a lot of notes.


Very interesting video. A nice change from the usual geopolitical analysis.


Glad to see UBI mentioned here. UBI will be the difference between a peaceful and enlightened transformation to the machine economy or the massive unrest and violence we are already seeing the start of.


Freedom from backbreaking repetitive labour is a huge step to freedom from want and provides a path to prosperity. Good news.


Excelent video. İ will show this to people who yell "they took our jobs"


I wrote this comment few years ago and I think is adequate for this topic; the part about jobs (you can change word robot for AI):

For this problem I see very easy solution. But should be on scale to a workers revolution when we adopted 8hr workday.

1. robot please take my job (I'll explain)

2. today and in future there is and will be even more new knowledge to learn by individuals to even live in modern society. Today we are bombarded with info and hardly cope with everything in our daily lives. So problem of modern society is mostly lack of time.

3. Where to get this time ? We need 8h of sleep. We need free time to learn new things and be with families more than ever. So, for me is only logical answer in reducing working time.

4. It is very non realistic to think that robot will replace humans in work force. To whom will then be sold all the goods that those automated factory will produce if people will have no money.

5. I think the only and best solution is to gradually reduce working time. Let say to 6h daily. With this move we can actually employ almost all unemployed at this moment. Sure at beginning average wages will go down for cca 10% but with lower costs for unemployment and actually more gdp produced by those now unemployed the GDP will eventually rise. This move to 6h work day could compensate for first steps to robotization production and eliminating most of unemployment.

6. With the advancement in robotization production we can move to 4h work day in next century and lower. For sake of argument we can go to even 1h work day but this will not affect our standard of living.

7. People mostly don't realize that money is worthless paper. It is just mathematical function how goods produced in the world is divided among us. But is important that we have money since number on pay check tells us what is our worth in the world and therefore how much produced goods can we afford. So, this is just some numerical value. And sum of all those money values in the world is equal to produced goods. If we work e.g 1h a day because most of production is made by robots and output of factories is equal or even bigger than today's, again those good will be divided among people by there input ( only 1h but never the less). And on there pay check would be same relative number as on today's paychecks.

8. 8h work day is not given by god but is agreed among people. And today's standard is much much higher than 150 or 200 years ago when people work 14 to 16 hours a day. So, work hour has nothing to do with standard of living in robotized society but only how we can make now agreement on dividing produced gods with diminishing hours spend on work.


Except for UBI conclusions, it was a great video! Thanks


As the adage goes "necessity is the mother of invention". As more of the world's population ages, especially in nations like Japan, the need for elder and infirm care will exceed supply. This will accelerate the building of machines and androids tasked with servicing and caring for the elderly, handicap, and just about anyone needing a "companion" at home. And by this I mean also a surrogate wife or husband. A machine with fully functional genitalia as good as, or better than the real thing. Capable of conversing on any subject and creating a positive environment.
I think in the next 20 years we'll see a rapid development of A.I, and material improvement in making a skin-like plastics almost undistinguishable from human flesh. We can make them to resemble anyone and program any particular personality and affinity.


The golden age of AI will begin when AI will begin perfecting AI.


I have to agree, maybe Ive gotten used to Shirvans voice but I feel his accent just grabs my focus more.
