Camfil Clean Air Solutions Mean Less Air Filter Changes

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I would assume and I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I assume there would be some sort of cost savings by doing less filter changes. But other than potential cost savings, what other benefits did you find to perhaps your tenants and or your team as well, by doing less?
Speaker 2
I'm a little surprised, because as we talked about the bold statements, I didn't expect any of them to come true. So I was a little surprised that as many of them came true and as significant as they were. One of the biggest things was building operators and building capacity with the team. In the past, we would do filter changes four times a year, every quarter, and the building operator would have to order the filters, wait for them to be delivered, find somewhere to store them once they got there, and then haul them up onto the roof and get ready to do the changes. And a great example is one of the properties or two of the properties that we had were strip malls, and the one property had 96 rooftop units on it. The other one had I believe 84. F the building operator to get the filters, get them to the roof, start installing them and complete all of those rooftop units while still doing his regular job and getting called away for emergencies or tenant comfort issues and that sort of thing,you take a couple of weeks of his time to get that done. But with changing them once a year, suddenly we saved six weeks of his time. So we've built capacity within the team and allowed the team to really focus on some of the customer service issues that are really important to our tenants.
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