The European Parliament's previous term summed up in 5 minutes

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As the European Parliament has started a new legislative term, let's see what it accomplished during the previous term.

During the last term Parliament adopted 467 legislative acts.

MEPs fought for a greener future with ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reductions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 in line with the Paris Agreement. Parliament tightened rules on air quality and adopted new requirements to reduce packaging waste and industrial emissions in the EU. Mandatory requirements to restore damaged EU ecosystems while ensuring sufficient food production were also passed.

In 2020, Parliament’s negotiators successfully fought for the biggest EU financial package ever to tackle the repercussions of the Covid-19 crisis and finance a new generation of EU programmes for 2021-2027. MEPs achieved a €16 billion increase for flagship programmes such as EU4Health, Horizon (research), InvestEU and Erasmus+ in the EU’s long-term budget. To further support Ukraine and boost EU industrial autonomy, as well as addressing migration, MEPs insisted on a mid-term revision and upscaling of the long-term budget.

Parliament defended a European Union built on the rule of law, fundamental rights, media freedom, non-discrimination, and gender equality. MEPs pushed the EU to scale up its fight against corruption, money laundering (AML package) and disinformation, which threaten Europe’s democratic foundations and core values.

The European Parliament stood with Ukraine in its fight for democratic freedom and self-determination. It has strongly and repeatedly condemned Russia’s war of aggression and called for tough sanctions on Russia and Belarus. It continuously pushed for the EU to provide defensive weapons, humanitarian aid and democratic support to the institutions of Ukraine.

During the new term the European Parliament will continue to stand for democracy, debate, leadership, solidarity, transparency and equality and MEPs will strive to accomplish even more for European citizens.
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The new Parliament must be practical and get the Job done : Europe has a shortage of 150.000 Solar panels and Battery Systems Installers and Technicians, according to Tech Media, Europe has a shortage of at least 250.000 Electric Vehicles and Batteries Workers, a huge shortage of Agrivoltaics installers, which combines the previous technologies, Heat Pumps Factory Workers and Installers, and of course Europe has a critical shortage of Aviation, Drones & Space Technical Workers : From "'Machinists " to " Quality Control Supervisors ", etc. In my opinion the new Parliament must get it done, and train every EU Student with basic Mechanical and Technical Inclination, just train these new 1 million Technical Experts. Just do it !


More of a musical interlude than an informative video!


Until when we must accept hungry do anything do something or get out open exist door.don.t want our taxes give hungry because stay in EU Union


At the end of the Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta, Athenians lost. The Athenian democracy was regarded as heresy and its destruction was decided. But lady freedom as departing the town wasn’t sad. She looked back at the city and said “Thank you!For all! I now know what to do”. The next day she contaminated with democracy more and more cities. Rome, minor Asia, Sicily already were experimenting too. The biggest contribution of Athens wasn’t the establishment of democracy, but the fact it showed us its “child deceases”. Its mistakes. Thousands of books written and survive today on issues and how tos in democracy. What works and what to avoid. The European Parliament can now look back and say to the Athenians: “you aren’t defeated”. You never were. In the movie of Alexander with Colin Farrell you will see a scene in India where the army protests and wants to go back. Alexander hears some people whispering and tells them: “ don’t talk in the shadows. Come out in public and make your statement”.


More Unity, less duplicity are the lessons from the previous Parliament, in my opinion. The new plans of the Commission are good, now is implementation: Industrial Revival, Financial Markets Union, Savings and Investment Union, Defense Union, Stronger Frontex to stop the Caliphate Invasion, Housing Support Policies, Small & Medium Enterprises, Competitive Fund, etc. In my opinion right now Peace Negotiations is the key. Every EU Soldier must have own pocket drone, with Video, Thermal, Jamming, Hacking, Electromagnetic Waves to neutrallze other drones, sensors, etc., all made and coded in EU . Training all Youth in Agrivoltaics, Desalination, how AI Chips & C++ work, how Heat Pumps work, how Electric Vehicles work, etc. And when we analyze Airbus and Boeing supply problems, Trains and Ships, etc. , Experts see a huge " Machinists shortages", the low key unglamorous Workers who make parts from metal alloys, composites, plastics, chemicals, crystals, coatings, etc. Can Europe solve that ?


Just like a prayer indeed, let's seek for all those reasons that keep us united as Europeans because only united we can stay strong. The Brexit experience is showing us, isolated is very dangerous in a global world, ruthless sharks are there to take advantage and ..criminals never sleep. Security systems are always those who should keep us united, when evil intentions are always there to mess up our lives like nothing. Be careful and not forget, among American conservatives there are those who consider a strong Europe same dangerous like Russia or China, using war affairs to..eliminate rivals in business 😢😢😢 Covid experience instead, was good to show us, once China isolated, the American welfare collapsed for first...each one is an idealistic dreamer, like White suprematists, but it's an impossible ambition


Since ancient ages, since Olympic games were invented for the very first time, sports competitions became the most successful political strategy, still today, unites us so good, even if we do not want to, bringing sports partnerships in African countries or South American ones, having reasons to date, compete and share mutual interests is the most successful political achievement. Poor countries need new partnerships in order to become our customers. I have fun to explore so many things on web, such as cooking tutorial, watching how everybody is using kitchen mixers, robots, so many modern tools and technologies, yeah, a huge step forward indeed. Now, if we can bring same equipments for smart agriculture and let the Sahara desert turn back green, we fear nothing. If we feel like.. Olympic athlets eager to run for life, we need nothing else. If we let fragile democracies in villain hands, organized crime and guns smugglers... spreading violence and new tribal disputes 😢😢😢we are screwed all of us


io desidero diventare EuroParlamentare, ma non ho gli appoggi politici: come devo fare per realizzare questo mio desiderio tra tanti desideri?
