They Should Have STAYED OUT | Cave Exploring Gone WRONG

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Cave exploring gone horrifyingly wrong. Here are three accounts of why cave exploring is terrifying. Cave Exploring Gone Wrong #16

Extreme hobbies require extreme caution and can have extreme consequences if they are not performed by professionals with the proper training and equipment.

Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs
Peer Lawther, Benfoss99, Jacob Mojiwat, Michael Dickison, Larry D. Moore, Dmitry Djouce, Virginia State Parks, Brett, Tim Green, Tristan Ferne, Seif Sallam, Geoffrey Rhodes, Michael Pollak

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Dude in the second story is an absolute hero. Imagine chillin at a BBQ probably two or three cold ones in and somebody comes running up all like “Hey these reckless guys around the corner are stuck in a dark, possibly silted out cave and are in the process of drowning right now. Do you mind tossing your gear on, jumping in, and risking your own life to try to save them?”

“Sure, hold my beer.”


I’m actually kinda happy that Jackie didn’t go back in to help, she understood the risk of going back in knowing that she didn’t have much air left and not knowing where they were and that she’d have to search for them. In the end this saved her own life


What are the chances that you are drowning in a cave and a certified experienced diver with full equipment at hand happens to be around in the same place on a company picnic that also happens to have CPR experts?
Like those 2 survivors on story 2 won the lottery 10 times that day.


It was Jackie's choice to make, good for her. She didn't abandon her friends, she thought logically about the situation. Also, Jasper had hundreds more dives, and a fresh tank - his choice to go in was also his own. The odds seem astronomical, for another diver with equipment to be there at the same time.


Second story is really a cautionary tale about an immense douchebag that wouldn't take the advice of an experienced diver and almost killed other people with him


"In spite of what everyone tells you, Caves aren't all dangerous. There are safe ones. And I will tell you a story of how people died miserably in one of them anyway."
-Scary Interesting


Can't believe that some people here are actually blaming Jackie and calling her a coward for not going back in.
If people heard it properly she did NOT HAVE ENOUGH OXYGEN left to attempt a rescue. It would have been a suicide. Ken may he rest in peace is the one who put himself and others at risk. He was warned by Jackie and still chose to act Irresponsibly


Two heroes in this video. The diving legend that was at a bbq that saved lives and recovered a body, and the kid Joe that acted unselfishly to try and help other kids. Thanks for the video


The cave diving legend 100% saved those 2 people. Unbelievable luck that they are still alive


My old diving instructor used to say, “there are old divers and there are bold divers”.
Second story proves that.


Ken put everyone at risk. How many times does the most experienced person have to tell you 'no' before you listen?Jackie can't be blamed for this, rescuing anyone in an underwater cave is a dangerous and difficult task. Let alone with little to no oxygen. God bless Woody for saving the others


Top 3 conclusions I've gotten from being subbed to this channel for 4 months:
1) Never go caving alone and stay away from hardcore paths and tight spaces
2) Never go diving alone and don't push your limit.
3) Never go Cave-Diving period.


Imagine going into a "small" cave out of curiosity and the cave music starts out of nowhere


The otter spring story was covered on divetalk's channel. Woody was not only a legend he actually mapped this cave out so they couldn't have a better person come save them.


You know, I think the 3rd story is the first time I've ever heard one of these stories where it genuinely was an unforeseen accident. Like, every other disaster story, caving or otherwise, where something goes wrong is usually a case of negligence, hubris, stupidity, all things that could have been avoided and a tragedy prevented. But this sounds like it literally was a freak accident that no one could have prepared for.


Since Ken didn't survive to tell his side of the story, I kinda doubt the others' claims that he was the only one who had ignored Jackie's orders, and that they only followed him into the cave "for his safety". Likely, it was a group decision made amongst the idiots.


The "safety line" was 40 feet and had no knot on it. I completely understand it wasn't meant to be used as was done in this instance, but the irony of dying directly attributable to a "safety line" is indeed disturbing.


As a Technical diving Instructor, I was shaking my head when you got to the diver Ken looking in. The problem with scuba is you only need a basic understanding to get “qualified”. Unlike anything other than driving your car, you only have to pay for your exam to be able to go off on your own, despite what advice and extra tuition an instructor can offer. Just like when you first pass your driving test, once “qualified”, nothing stops you from driving at 100 mph on a motorway. The number of divers killed simply because they make errors associated with their inexperience increases every year. I've been on many body recovery rescues sadly.


The rescuer in the second video is indeed a hero. The guy asked Jackie 2 questions. Have you been in the caves? Have you got cave diving certification?
The guy jumped straight into action knowing the urgency. This tremendous man, saved the life of one diver who would have been certain death. He sadly could not save the other diver in time but he recovered the body by himself.


That guy who was a certified diver wasn't just a hero.Imagine how brave he had to be to go down three times.Thank god for people like him who selflessly saved lives while putting his own at risk.I realize a lot of comments will say something similar but it's stories like this that you feel obliged to underline someone's heroic act.🙏