From PEASANT to KNIGHT in Mount and Blade BANNERLORD

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In this video I attempt to go from peasant to knight in Mount and Blade Bannerlord. the game is built on a specific modlist that revolves around the mod Bannerkings. The endgoal is to establish a knight order along with my companions.

Main Mods:

Xorberax's legacy (turn off the bleed out section of the mod or you WILL crash)
Heal on Kill

0:00 Character's backstory
0:54 Rules and Details and endgoal of the playthrough
2:30 Modlist
3:18 The Adventure begins!

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is a strategy action role-playing video game developed and published by TaleWorlds Entertainment. It is a prequel to Mount & Blade: Warband, a stand-alone expansion for the 2008 game Mount & Blade. Bannerlord takes place 210 years before its predecessor, with a setting inspired by the Migration Period.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is a strategy/action role-playing game. The fundamental gameplay premise is the same as previous entries in the series: the player builds up a party of soldiers and performs quests on an overhead campaign map, with battles being played out on battlefields that allow the player to personally engage in combat alongside their troops.
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This must be the first time I ever played a lawful character


simo trying not to start another series before ending the previous one (Impossible)


5% of the damage of the killing blow seems fine at lower levels, but a couched lance against a half-dead low level unit would make it seem like a you just stuck a straw into them and sucked out their innards.


Reynald just selling butter as a middle man to get a profit is the most mount and blade thing I've seen in a while, can't wait to see what else adventures he goes in


If you are going for a knightly order endgoal, I have a potential ideas for criteria (to be fleshed out):

- All companion slots filled
- All companions have decent gear (proper horses, weapons, and solid armor. Gonna have that knightly drip)
- All companions are decently leveled up and skilled in combat
- If you want to become a vassal, you can do it only for an honorable ruler
- Have at least one large and/or important battle/siege won mainly through the efforts of you and your army (as in, your party has greatest share of the kills, are the ones to break through the gates/take the walls etc. Generally If you objectively carried the battle) - something to serve as a founding legend for the order
- (optional) have a castle/city as a chapterhouse, preferably taken from a cruel/devious ruler + long term have it and neighbouring villages safe and prospering.

I like the concept thus far, can't wait to see more of it.


Character: close-fisted, devious, cruel
Simo: _i can fix him_


"we're going to become a knight"
*Becomes a butter merchant*


Imma bet that this playthrough will be Simo and his band of merry men just memeing around, doing good deeds and quests and I am 100% on board!


i remember when i was younger my mother wouldn't let me buy mount and blade but the game had a demo on steam that let you play a character for 30 days in game time and i just kept playing that, i could usually get at least one castle captured in those 30 days


Permadeath I don't think should be done, but I do enjoy the content you put out, and this is probably my most favorite sandbox game of all time.


Hopefully Reynauld would spend his retirement days peacefully and not to be recruited to escort some random dude to his ancestor's hamlet and slay eldritch horrors...


Nice edit! Cant wait how the story will unfold ... loving this kind of Bannerlord content keep going my son


I don't remember how many companions the game generates by itself, or if Bannerkings adds more, but I'm not sure if you'll gather more than like, 20 companions tops, though that might be the plan so iunno.
So I'd like to suggest a squire system, either by having one regular soldier for every "Knight" in your party, or adding the Recruit anyone mod, so you can grab some people from around the world and roleplay something with them. Maybe do this at clan level 2 or something so it makes sense? Just throwing ideas here.
Love the content mate, here's to another great series


"Give me 10/53 good men and I'll convert the fine lady." - Reynauld, Knight Errant


I think its called distinguished service or something like that, but there is a mod that allows you to convert regular troops who have distinguished themselves in combat into nobles, there's an idea for your Order!


I was saving this video to watch it before bed cuz it is always nice to watch a awesome tale before bed time.. But here I am watching it while eating breakfast, too good to ignore.
I love your tales bro.
Thank you.
You have inspired some of my campaigns.
Thank you sir.


Awesome upload homie! Ive been watching a lot of stratplays recently, and this is just awesome. id love to see some long episodes, sort of like what he does


Please continue this series this video is so great and I hope to see more


simo you are my favourite bannerlord youtuber you made me buy it on steam and im really enjoying it keep up the good work


I always fall in love with your characters simo, but we need some more consistency. Don't start a series you aren't gonna finish or Finish in 3-4 episodes.
