Can I Have Chicken After C-Section Delivery?

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When it comes to confinement food, one of the constant debates is whether chickens are safe to be consumed by mothers who had c-section delivery. While some think that consuming chicken after giving birth could worsen the wound, others believe that having chicken helps with recovery. So what’s the truth? The answer is c-sections moms can eat chicken. Here are the reasons why.

Firstly, medical practitioners recommend c-section moms to consume nutrient-packed whole foods like chicken to aid recovery. In fact, chicken is often used to prepare broths, herbal soups, and even dishes for patients who have undergone surgery or after childbirth. Secondly, chicken is a great source of protein, which helps in repairing and building tissues and reducing inflammation. Last but not least, white meat like chicken is a great alternative to red meat, as it has lower saturated fat, and less likely to cause constipation.

That being said, any food should be consumed in moderation. To skip the hassle of deciding the food portion of your confinement meal, engage with a confinement food catering that has all meals planned specially for confinement mothers. Tian Wei Signature is an award-winning fusion and Chinese confinement food delivery in Singapore. All food for confinement at Tianwei Signature is MSG-free, well-balanced, and breastfeeding-friendly to provide you and your baby the best nutrition. At Tian Wei Signature, you will be nourished by a wide range of Chinese confinement meal menu, as well as a series of Japanese and Mediterranean inspired fusion cuisines.

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