Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: Jordan Peterson & ARC

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We do not need WEF telling us how to live, we also do not need ARC or Jordan Peterson telling us how to live. Evil people.


As for Phillips Stroud and Michael Gove these are among the worst specimens of corruption in politics as one can imagine. As politicians they are supposed to serve the people but of course do no such thing. Despicable.


100% agree with you. Sadly, Jordan Peterson has been exposed as a wordy nothingness. I used to follow him but no longer. He is not the man I thought he was. I could have gone on with many words, like he does but that would simply be words for words' sake.


So good to hear someone seeing these people (Peterson, Murray, Shapiro et al) through a true and not a skewed lens. Thankyou Sonia.


I live in Canada, though I was brought up in England. Jordan Peterson was often a guest on a current affairs show on TV Ontario in his capacity as a professor at the University of Toronto. He came to world prominence over the pronoun issue and I agree with him wholeheartedly on that matter. Peterson has always spoken very eloquently the way he does now. That's who he is. He was a published author long before he wrote his bestselling 12 Rules for Life. I generally enjoy his lectures, but I have been concerned about his ARC Group. It is supposed to be the people's answer to the WEF. But it seems to me it is just another organization for wealthy, entitled elites. I'm not holding my breath that much good will come from it for anyone but those wealthy entitled elites.


Loved the bit where she said she "found some of his videos loquacious, verbose and unecessarily wordy. I've said this before". But she's right - anything that involves Gove should be treated with extreme contempt.


“When the people need a hero we will provide one”


This is an example of bad reporting. Loads of subjective soeculation disguised as factual.


Thanks to Gaza I was able to see through people I once valued highly


I recommend that you contact Mr. Peterson and ask him for an interview, so that you can get clarity on these issues. Would be a worthwhile interview.


Look at his dress sense as an indicator of his insecurities. His voice too is troubling to me, I do not know why, but it is. Is he controlled?


im so proud of this woman standing for truth as Abby Martin does x


This is quite compelling. I have noted most of these red flags that Sonia is mentioning and here she just helped me connect the dots. Gratitude!!!


I was very hopeful when I first heard of this project Arc, but when I saw Michael Gove appear, my heart sank😢


Jordan Peterson is a Davos going gatekeeper. It was clever, how he was introduced about compelled speech.


He is “ intoxicated by the exuberance of his own verbosity “.


I have never like the guy. There has always been something that never sat right with me. Then he went into rehab. Now he’s back and surrounding and aligning himself with some less than delectable people. He doesn’t appear to have a moral compass when it comes to money. He and his daughter are riding the gravy train. Thank you for you integrity and diligent journalism.


"Give 'em hell" seems like a fairly reasonable thing to say to a PM about a terrorist group that's just committed such unthinkable crimes that none of us even like to say them out loud. And this idea that Christians must be pacifist is biblically wrong. We have to stand against evil. We hope that won't mean physically, be we have to be prepared for that eventuality. And whether anyone like it or not, the fact is that our culture is based on judeo-christian values. To call such a statement "regressive" and that the speaker sounds like a "1950s housewife" makes SP sound like all the activist-types I ever tried to talk to about the trans issue. It's a method of closing down all discussion and delegitimising the opponent. Miss Poulton, be careful how you demonise people with whom you disagree.


If only Christopher Hitchens was still with us.


I'm finding the amount of extremely -ve labelling of people based on a small subset of their lives disturbing in this video, and the amount of loathing and contempt stopped me from watching past the 60% mark.

I'd prefer a less contemptuous, more even keeled approach, and one that was far less ideologically framed. I find the 'this person is disgusting because they did X, and this one is even worse because they did Y' approach to be distasteful, and unhelpful.

There is alot of venomous ideological anti tory sentiment here, branding them as callous uncaring sociopaths. After decades of watching politics, i see almost zero difference in how politicians regard the less privileged in society apart from labour pretending to care whilst simultaneously sneering at them.
