This Will Enrich Your Soil Instantly

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Spring is around the corner and it's time to supercharge your soil, ready for the growing season. It's important to top up your soil's nutrients at this time of year, every year. but where do you start and how do you do it? All your questions are answered in this week's episode.

Want to get soil-savvy and have your best growing season yet? Check out these videos for more on composting and building healthy soil:

For more on getting a head start and extending your growing season, check out this playlist:

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more...

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As an aspiring small farmer that is starting with literally nothing, Your video releases keep me in seasonal timing and I am soooo very thankful for it!!! I’ll never forget your help as long as I live.


“If you don’t have your soil ready, time is ticking!” Me, staring out at 6 feet snow drifts on my garden beds…” 😂


I've printed off 50 or so pictures of Ben's face and scattered them around my vegetable beds. In addition to this I use a Bluetooth speaker and play Bryan Adams everything I do I do it for you on repeat into the earth. This combination brings my soil happiness and joy. I recommend you try it for yourself.


That bleeped out bit in the middle 😅🤣🤣🤣 🎉 thanks for that!
And the final sign off shot was epic and lovely!


I have a small worm farm going, and some local horses, so I add horse manure and compost worms to my compost heaps. It works a treat. In the autumn, I sifted out all the stubborn uncomposted stuff, mostly twigs, roots and tufts of grass, chucked all it in a ton bag, then added two feed bags of manure and a fork full of worms. They've been busy in there all winter churning it into beautiful compost, and I've just forked it into the polytunnel, worms and all.


Thank you soo much for mentioning garden compost as the first choice. As a plant-based food grower I greatly appreciate it as so many channels focus on animal-based products. More people are going plant-based and I hope they find your channel. Wish I had more access to deciduous amongst conifers makes finding leaves a challenge...they are such a great compost source! And thank you so much for using low-cost items like old windows and cardboard... this way everyone can grow amazing food!


My raised beds, and grow bags have been covered with a thick layer of leaves since autumn, and I have been keeping my compost bin full. I even filled up two trash bins with chopped up leaves for use later in the season. Very soon, I will start the process of mixing in the decaying leaves into the soil, and planting transplants, or direct sowing seeds. My greenhouse project is nearly finished. It needs a little more soil to level the ground in the front, then it will be ready for the cover. Next on my to do list is making the three raised beds that will be placed inside it, and moving my planting table inside after that. All is on schedule. I have 20 tomato seedlings started, five cherry, the rest large, two trays of Red Bearded Bunching Onions, a tray of Rainbow Swiss Chard, Luccullus Swiss Chard, Fordhook Swiss chard, New Zealand Spinach, Tokyo Bekana Mustard, Japanese Giant Red Mustard, two trays of assorted lettuce, and 92 pepper plants (15 varieties). Next week, I will sow seeds for snow peas and radishes, and the following week, Danvers, Komatsuna, Tatsoi, Chijimisai, Kale, Boc Choy, turnips, and beet root. I have 25 Seascape Strawberry plants on order that I will be planting too. In three weeks, it is potato time. And so the planting season begins. When the weather warms up a bit in April, I will finish the garden by planting cucumbers, pole beans, summer squash, winter squash, assorted herbs, and flowers to attract pollinators.


Love the bits of humor sprinkled into all of the useful information.🥰


Have a horse farm near me that gives away free, 1 year aged manure. Gonna grab some this month and let it settle for Spring. Heard the tip last year and its going to save SO MUCH money on my new raised beds. Really excited to see how this year goes. Cheers.


This is a wonderful video, Ben, and so much needed as our winter here drags on and on. I still have 15" of snow all over my farm, and garden, but your video gives me hope that warm Spring days are coming. Thank you!


Thanks again Ben. I have been lazy this year. I have a zillion seeds, but have not
even opened the packages.
I could use one (or six)😂of those huge bags of compost.
God Bless you and yours,
may your garden be the best it has ever been and you have bountiful produce.


Hi Ben loving your energy and enthusiasm 😎


I absolutely love this man's enthusiasm about compost.


I did two tests on some horse manure I got from a local farm a few months ago. I did one test on it by adding worms to make sure there was no active dewormer (my worms survived!). Now I'm testing for persistent herbicides by growing green beans indoors in both soil enriched with manure and plain soil. The manure won't be ready for my beds this spring in any case, but at least I know whether I can add it in the fall and, in the meantime, feed some of it to my worm farms.


Good morning from VA ! Ihave watched you since you were on PBS in the US. My 81 yr old sister has discovered Youtube. She was all excited the other day telling about this man (who talks funny) with so many good things about gardening. Lol😃 It was yku, of course. She isn't able to garden anymore, but I usually make her a small plot with cucumbers and tomatoes. And she orders me what she wants that I have to plant ! I'm sure she will have lots of things to help me with from watching you .
So you have yet another fan in the family . Keep up the good work.


Love it ! I have sheep, chickens, and a rabbit so I try to get my sh☆☆ together all year: ). With that and leaves and compost, it makes me feel good to feed the soil. I am so excited for Spring!!


I think this is my favorite episode. Well done!


Ben - I cannot tell you how useful and inspirational your vids are especially late winter/early spring when its too miserable to go out in the garden. Time to get that compost/manure on the beds! Cheers.


☺️ your personality always shines through! Love this video 😊


Love these videos!!! Thank you so much for sharing with us.
