Why wildcat doesn't play with Vanoss

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Disclaimer: This clip is from May 5th 2020, there is no drama going on between these YouTubers, just to clear up any misunderstandings.


Honestly, considering how they all partied together during Halloween (some flying from different countries to meet up), I'd reckon that everything is perfectly fine with the crew. You don't typically fly from a different country just to spend time with people you don't like spending time with.


For anyone confused
This is before it came out about how horrible of a human Craig is


Wildcat: " going to play a different game"



Him and Vanoss do still play. They recently just played in Gmod tg. It’s honestly a good friendship when you can stop playing and talking for a bit and still come back and play like best buddy. True friendship.


God I'm sooo fucking happy it ain't because there's beef between them man 😭 these dudes pretty much raised me in my humor when I was much too young to be even watching them. I would watch them and my mom would always tell me to turn them off but I would just pause it wait and replay it. Their jokes were so much funnier than anyone else's and they always had a good time which why I loved playing video games. Now I'm 18 and joining the army pretty soon and still watch these guys after 10-8 years of watching them. If I ever met these guys I would probably just hug them and say thank you and let them know how happy I was watching them. It would probably mean so much to me and be a core memory of my lifetime. 💛


Oh thank God the friendship didn't fall apart haven't watch them in a year got me scared


Oof, this was just a month before Mini was outed as a predator. That can’t have felt good for him


This aged well, appeared nearly in every vids recently 💀


wildcat is such a cool guy. when hes on recording or searching for clips hes a ahole or a funny guy but when in. the real world hes the first to say to you “ei pal wanna grab a drink? its on me”


Idk if this is for content or views or whatever
But i dont think reupload these old dramatic issues is a good idea...ull make some people misunderstood the situation


I respect this. You could get more clout and views for you and your friends from playing with them more, but you choose to not force yourself to play games that they are playing if you don't like or have fun with said game. Honestly, that's pretty respectable


Your caption is somewhat misleading. I don't think that you should put clips that's been discussed way back in the past. Sure we can't see the whole gang play just like the old days but they're good friends even until now


When your channel is big enough, you have to establish your own legacy, its normal for wildcat because he has to sell his own brand and not relying on Vanos's fame or the group as a whole. Ofcourse never forgetting them and hang out frpm time to time.
Some are absolute trash like mini that talks shit about the group even tho mini was the problem.


Report this vid for misleading, Because this surely is misleading


I honestly hate seeing the crew stop playing more more the good old days are over


I’m happy that Wildcat is exploring new games to his channel it’s called branding. And he’s a great creator with awesome content. I try to keep up to date with the gaming community but it’s hard. Wildcat, Vanoss, and Terroriser, Nogal, and the others I still watch them but MiniLadd crossed the line by being a predator and ruined his reputation and relationship with them.


This video can be helpful to some people who didn't know why Wildcat stopped playing with vanoss that often in that time frame but you uploaded it at a weird time, and I feel the majority of people that didn't see this clip could still put the pieces together. Wildcat's posting fortnite all the time, it must be the game he wants to play, Vanoss does post fortnite but not regularly meaning he must not want to play it, both of them just wanted to play different games in that time period. And the weird timing thing explains itself, this was almost two years ago, and for those who didn't read your comment are just going to be confused, and the fact that mini ladd is brought up in this video. I think if you wanted to clear confusion as much as possible you should've quickly put in the beginning of the video, this is from May 5th 2020 so some of the things brought up won't make sense now or aren't relevant. Obviously you can post whatever you want but there's going to be some people that watch this video and be like "Wildcat still plays with Mini Ladd or is in contact with him even thought he sent dick pics to minors." Just by pointing out that this clip is from a while ago before all the weird shit with mini ladd came out would benefit the video.


Wildcat said it, no beef. I mean I could relate. My friends play Xbox and all those other games but... There are just games I can't bring myself to play, so i just let my friends enjoy themselves with people who can at least support them game wise and maybe sometimes mood wise. Don't gotta push yourself to do something you ain't feeling, just to appease people.


As Basically said when making fun of his friend..I. "y'all wanna play EXACTLY what I want to play, EXACTLY when I want to play it?... no?... alright, well then I don't wanna play, later guys.".
