Romans Chapter 11 Summary and What God Wants From Us

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This is a summary of the eleventh chapter of Romans, the most important verse, and what I think God is wanting us to do in response to it.

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Welcome back to ‘the bible says what’. Today I will summarize Romans chapter 11, where Paul discussed Gentiles being grafted in to the heavenly tree in the place of Israel, and the remnant of Jewish people who will be saved. Paul taught and asked a question… he said, ‘so did God decide to reject all of Israel? And Paul answered. He said ‘do you remember when Elijah complained to God and said the people have killed all the prophets and torn down God’s altars and he was the only prophet left? Do you remember what God said? God said ‘no, I did not allow them to kill all of the godly people. I reserved 7,000 people for me, who worship me. You are not the only one left, Elijah.
Paul continued, and said even though Israel is rejecting God overall, he will keep a remnant of Jews who believe in Jesus as Messiah. Paul said he was part of that Jewish remnant. God has done this to allow for the time of the Gentiles, because His plan included the adoption of not only Jews but Gentiles into His family as well. When the time of the Gentiles is over, Israel will indeed put their trust in Jesus Christ en masse. But as for now, the Jewish people are considered enemies of the gospel of Jesus. In due time the Lord will soften their hearts and they will come to know Jesus Christ as savior. They will be grafted back in to the heavenly tree where the Gentile believers have been grafted in.
Paul then taught and said this fulfills God’s plans. Why did God drive history in this way? No one knows. His wisdom and knowledge are deep and rich. While people can know Him as Father, no one can fully search out His judgements or His ways. No one has ever counseled God or given to Him something that He needed to pay back. Paul said they will probably never know why God wanted to formulate this specific plan for world history. But that doesn’t even matter. He has every right to do things as He pleases. They just needed to trust that He is good and just, because He is.
The most important verses in this chapter are Romans 11:22 through 23 which state, ‘Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.’
The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that He has a plan for world history and for salvation. Right now, Israel is considered an enemy of the gospel of Jesus Christ so that the Gentiles will come to salvation. But when the time is right, God will soften the hearts of Jewish people and they will place their faith in Jesus Christ en masse. In the meantime, there is still a remnant of Jewish believers now who confess Jesus as Lord. And, God wants people to know this is His plan, but no one will ever really be able to understand just what He is doing with people and history. They just need to trust that what He is doing is good.
If you are a Jewish person watching this, you can be part of the remnant that Paul wrote about. Trust that Jesus is the messiah and the Christ, and that He fulfills all Old Testament messianic prophecies. Trust it because it is true. Why don’t you call out to the Lord to have mercy and save you? Repent for your sin and turn to Jesus for salvation. He is offering you new life. Jesus humbled himself and died on a cross, and the Father raised Jesus from the dead. God said if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and if you believe in your heart that the Father raised Jesus from the dead, you would be saved. Why don’t you do that right now?
Thanks for watching the Romans chapter 11 episode. If you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up and share it. Subscribe if you want to keep up with these daily videos, too. See you next time.
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