Last Minute Biology EOC Cram Session // 25min Crash Bio Review!

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NEW for 2024: Cramming for your biology exam? Watch this video for a fast review of all the important topics your state test may cover, including biochemistry, cells, cellular energy, cell division, DNA, genetics, natural selection, and ecology in a biology or living environment course. I'll also give you a few helpful tips on how to ace your EOC exam.

*This is the Last Minute Crash Review for regular Biology* (not-AP), aimed at 9th and 10th grade students taking an end-of-course test in biology. If you need a quick 9th grade Biology EOC review, this is it! This isn't everything, and you definitely need to go deeper than what's covered in the video, but if you only have 30 minutes to spare, this is the video to watch!


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Good luck on your exams, everyone! Sending good vibes! 😎


So we all here rn watching this on loop the day before the test 😭😭


Heres the AI version of my message😭

I took my Florida EOC today and scored a 5. There were 51 questions on my exam. Here's an overview of the topics covered:

Few questions on Embryology
Many questions on ecology (environment and ecosystems)
1 or 2 questions on energy in ecosystems/energy pyramid
3 or 4 questions on organelles
1 or 2 questions on parts of the brain
1 question on viscosity of blood
Many questions on cells & cell theory
Few questions on cellular respiration and photosynthesis
2 or 3 questions on monomers, polymers & macromolecules (like lipids, amino acids, monosaccharides, carbohydrates, proteins, glucose, starch)
1 question on identifying a macromolecule, monomer, or polymer based on an image
Many questions on evolution
1 question on Punnett squares
2 or 3 questions on genetics & inheritance (other than Punnett square question)
1 or 2 questions on Taxonomy, classification, & domains
1 or 2 questions on codons in relation to DNA & RNA
2 or 3 questions on natural selection & other biological processes
1 question on a food web with a diagram
3 or 4 questions on understanding scientific theories and laws
1 question on microscopes (specifically viewing cells via microscopes)
2 or 3 questions on the carbon cycle & sustainability
Few questions on plants (reproduction, genetics, etc)
1 question on properties of water
Some questions were common sense. It's important to eliminate answers you know are wrong and to read the entire question and answers carefully. Words like "most likely" or "best" in relation to the answer choices may indicate that the answer is not 100% correct but is the most plausible based on scientific principles.

When answering questions, even if you feel like you totally understand it, find key words and define them.

- Mitosis, for example, is a type of cell division that creates body cells in animals (including humans) and is involved in growth, tissue repair, and asexual reproduction in some organisms. It creates two identical diploid cells with the exact same DNA as the parent cell. During mitosis, cells spend most of their time preparing for division and less time actually dividing. The process involves the stages of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, followed by cytokinesis;

- Fungi are heterotrophic organisms that have cytoplasm, cell walls, and are eukaryotic. They are decomposers, breaking down organic matter;

- Bacteria can be autotrophic or heterotrophic and most have cell walls. They are prokaryotic, unicellular organisms with ribosomes. Mutations in bacteria can help them develop immunity/resistance against antibiotics, similar to how animals evolve through evolution.

It's important to understand the relationships between concepts in the questions and how to interpret diagrams based on that. A testing strategy that helped me was to eliminate choices I knew were wrong and select the best answer, flagging the question to come back to it later. Going back and double-checking can help clarify any questions you struggled with. MOST IMPORTANTLY READ THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CAEFULLY TO AVOID OVERLOOKING IMPORTANT INFORMATION OR WORDS THAT SWIFT THE MEANING OF THE STATEMENT!

I hope this helps! Good luck to everyone taking the exam.❤


glad to know im not the only one with a biology test today


I have the EOC this thursday 😭 wish me luck guys
Edit: about to take it in like 12 mins 🙏 ill tell you guys as much as i can

Edit2: Alright for MY kind of EOC, it was different for everyone so I'll def reccomend to go through general areas of all of the topics learned

However for me, my EOC was based on Punett Squares and DNA Genetics…. But definitely Ecology is a topic everyone has, I didn't have Water, Organic Compounds of those topics in mine for some reason, but I heard one of my friends have the diagram for the cell types so definitely study on those 👍


I’m a sophomore in biology honors having a solid C in the class all year, going to take my Florida EOC on Monday. I’ll tell you guys the results when it comes!😊



I got a 4 yall this stuff works i watched it twice and that was all i did! good luck yall


my eoc is in less than an hour 😭 thank you so much


Not me watching on the ride to school..


i just got a 5 on my eoc and i didnt study at all besides watching this so thank u😭


My EOC is Friday the 10th, wish me luck yall!!! I’ll update as soon as I can with results and what to review!!


i have an eoc on wednesday but our teacher sucks so we still have like two units left to learn so im trying to self teach. thank you so much for this last minute review, just in time lol


i took the florida biology eoc and i got a 5, thank you for this last minute review 🙌


Hey thank you so much. As I looked over this before the EOC, it really helped me a lot. I got a 5 on my EOC!


I been took the test and i wanna say thank you so much for making this video. I scored a level 4!!!


thank you so much! I have my biology eoc this wednesday!! ill update you guys to see how it was


This video helped me so much I was so lost in biology because I would never go to class and I watched this video twice the day before the eoc and it really helped me pass with a high 3, thank you so much!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Listening to this as I’m getting ready for my eoc


thank you so much, you’re seriously helping me!


Re-taking my final for bio tomorrow, thank you so much you just went over 5 month of learning all in 25 min your a life saver
