Jeremiah 36-39 • The Fall of Jerusalem

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A great night, reading along, and learning. Thank You Pastor Paul, for teaching me!
Shalom Shalom!


Grateful for the teaching of God’s word.
Thank you so much.


Understanding and faithfully walking in obedience to God being the source of all blessing was a struggle for me as well. However, the more time in the Word the more my weaknesses were transformed. He revealed His ways for His glory! God is the source of all blessing! When we walk in disobedience we are robbing ourselves of the greatest blessings of following Gods Word and His blessings He says He will provide


Paster thank you everytime I listen to you I learn more about God's word I'm hungry for the truth.


WOW! Great is our God..Most worthy
to be Praised..Beautiful teaching Pastor Paul..most anointed teaching.Love being here.Love and Prayers through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..see you and
our beautiful Jesus Christ💕


Great teaching as always Pastor and on the marriage big AMEN !!! to that.
GOD bless and keep the Christian family
Grace and peace
Gilly wife of Mark


Pastor Paul, I pray blessings over you and your loved ones. May God bless you for the good work you do. These chapter by chapter sermons that stick to scripture are such a blessing to others. They are extremely helpful to my understanding of God’s Word. Thank you!!


I’m being so blessed by this book of Jerimiah because of his obedience to God. Not like Zedikiah. Horrible end to him for not obeying the word of the Lord. On the subject of Marriage that is so good Pastor Paul marry them you replied love it. God sees the heart ❤️ and knows how the genuineness of man’s heart. You can’t fool God. Hallelujah rejoice in the Lord. Gods Grace is merciful for those who surrender to him. Amen and Amen 🙏 ❤


Wow. I’ve read this story before, but I wanted more insight. And wow soooo good. I can see this all play out in my mind like on the big screen. So much to take in. And in my bible I have 39:16-18 highlighted. I remember reading it for the first time and being so moved. GOD is good all the time. All the time GOD is good🎼. Let the church sing🎤


💕🙏💕amazing story! Thankyou feel so blessed💕


Preach it pastor! I applaud your being brave to stand and speak straight on your "soapbox". We need truth like that! I pray for godly character and that I will trust solely in the Lord.


Excellent presentation of these chapters of Jeremiah! The introduction that provided background and historical setting was superb. Take care


Good day Pastor Paul. First I want to thank you for your bible teaching. I went though the bible with you for over 5 years now. I did go through the entire bible once so far.
This time around You caught my attention with your comment at the end of Jeremiah 38 on Marriage in the eyes of God. I totally agree with you on the matterf (especially since we have several family members living common law). However, you fail to mention the other side of the medal. Here in Canada, to receive benefits, we have to declare our Status. Either married, Single, and even common law marriages (living together that is accepted by the government) Based on your status, the government will calculate your benefits. By declaring on your Income tax that you are single in order to receive your benefits? Is this breaking God's law by first lying about youre status? and then stealing from the government?? It would have been good to have addressed this part of the equation. Having said this, May God bless you and continue to bless your ministry. (I really would like an answer to my questions. In other words can you have your cake and eat it too!)


"The government makes it hard for them to be obedient to the Lord."

Very dangerous game to play with those who are prophets. God doesn't like competition. He won't tolerate it.


I'm in a pickle 🥒, please pray.... spot this is not what the Lord God wants....He wants to KNOW YOU ...THE BIGGEST QUESTION IS 'DO YOU KNOW THE LORD GOD ' are you known by the Lord God... that is the question ❓


Spot on with how the world sees marriage....this is not what the Lord God marriage is a Covenant....and the Lord God is included in the marriage

