Zoom H6 tutorial for podcasting

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What is a Zoom H6 exactly?
A recorder like the Zoom H6 essentially replaces your computer and allows you to record your audio files directly onto an SD card that can easily be popped out to upload the content. It also works with external components like microphone and headphones, so you aren’t sacrificing quality for simplicity. Using a recorder usually eliminates the need for computers, interfaces or DAWs. Because we get a lot of questions from podcasters about how to use it and the best ways to optimize it for podcast recording, we’re making this tutorial available to you.

Getting to know your Zoom H6
On each side of the recorder you’ll see you have 2 inputs. Inputs 1 and 2 on the left, inputs 3 and 4 on the right. These inputs are combo inputs that work with either XLR or TRS connections. On the left side you also can see the SD card slot where you put your SD card in, an ⅛” headphone jack, the volume control as well as the power switch.

On the opposite side you have a 5v USB power port where you can transfer files to the computer, or use an external power supply (not included with the recorder), the Menu button and scroll wheel (for navigating the menu) as well as inputs 3 and 4 for your external microphones.

On the front of the Zoom H6, each channel has a gain knob and a pad feature (to control input levels), as well as target buttons for targeting the left and right to record with one of the external microphones that attach on top. You will also see you have indicators for channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the coordinating microphone inputs on the recorder. Make sure that when you are recording, the channels selected and the inputs being used are coordinating! You also have basic Play, Stop, Pause, Record, Fast Forward and Rewind features.

Setting up your Zoom H6
Basic setup: Before you can begin recording, make sure you have fresh batteries in your Zoom H6. We recommend using lithium batteries as they’ll last longer. With regular alkaline batteries, you can get up to 3 hours of recording. When you turn on the recorder, you’ll need to set the language, date and time. Once you’ve done that, just hit Record and it’s going to take you to the main screen for formatting.

Formatting your SD card: After the initial setup the first thing you want to do is you want to reformat your SD card. To do that select Menu (on the right side), scroll down to SD Card, then select Format. Confirm by choosing Yes. Now you’re ready to record!
Setting your recording format: Next, you’ll need to choose the recording format. If you go down to Record and then select Record Format, make sure that you have the 44.1 kilohertz, 24 bit WAV file option selected as this will be best for podcasting purposes.

Settings: Under the INPUT & OUTPUT section, you have multiple options like Lo Cut, Compressor/Limiter, etc.. We recommend leaving these as-is and letting your post production team handle all the processing. But if you are using a condenser microphone, you’re are going to need to select 48 volt Phantom Power.

Setting your levels
Once your initial set up is complete it’s time to plug in the microphone(s). Once you plug in your microphone(s), you’re going to select the corresponding channel that you’re recording on. Once you choose the channel, the red light on the coordinating channel flashes. If you bring up your gain while you’re talking into the microphone (we recommend you bring it up about halfway), you should be able to see that you’re getting signal. On the meter you want to be hitting around -12db. We recommend you test the input gain to have it average as close to -12db as possible. If you are too loud it will distort and the clip indicator light will blink.

Recording your content
Once the levels are set you’re ready to record! When you hit the Record button, you’ll see that the track timer turns red and you start seeing the numbers change. Whenever you’re done recording you can hit Stop. If you need to record an additional take, you simply hit Record again and then Stop when completed. When you record multiple takes you’ll see the recorder automatically names the consecutive takes (ie: Zoom0001, Zoom0002, Zoom0003) because you’re recording an additional file(s).

📝 Key takeaways
0:00 Introduction
00:28 Unboxing
01:14 Inputs and outputs
02:58 Turning on the Recorder, Setup
04:45 Set Up Your Microphone
05:44 Start Recording
06:20 Transferring Files to Your Computer

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Рекомендации по теме

This has been the most helpful YouTube on how to use my ZoomH6 and Condenser mic. Thank you!


Your audio sounds AMAZING. Hands down!


After viewing this video I purchased my H6! Now I need more videos on how to record with it! I am so excited. Thanks for the great video and recommendation.


Thank you! Super simple rundown but more helpful than some 30 minute tutorials


I just want to say that this was simple and to the point and I really appreciate your video!


Great! Straight with no chaser. Thank you!


Amazing! Thank you sir so much, you just got me through what seemed like hours of reading through the Manuel in a few minutes. Salute


Thank you! So helpful & simple! Love it!


Thanks so much for this overview. Very helpful. Keep them coming!


Excellent overview! I also checked out your site, and it sounds like you do some great work.


Tank you so much for this most helping Tutorial!


Thank you for this awesome video! I'm hoping you might be able to help me out. What is a -20 db PAD switch and under what conditions/situations would one use it?


Great job. Loved the video. Thank you.


sir can we connect our 3.5 mm aux speaker to it so that we can hear our recording from speaker ?? and where to connect it?


Is it something you can plug in to charge in any USB, Laptop, or one that you would get at a gas station, or plug in a cigarette lighter in the car?


I just used my h6 for first time. Two person podcast in person. I set it to two separate tracks and I got bad bleed through thus echo. I’m guessing we were just to close together, or I should have recorded with the stereo setting combining mics 1 and 2? Any ideas would be appreciated!


Why would you not use rechargeable batteries?


Which microphone is he using in the video?


Is it possible to live stream from the H6?


Is it possible to playback channel 1 and record to channel 2? For example you have the instrumental on ch1 and you want to sing over the vocals on ch 2
