PUNCTUATION MASTERCLASS - Learn Punctuation Easily in 30 Minutes - Comma, Semicolon, Period, Etc.

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In this lesson, you will learn the rules for using:
- period/full stop (.)
- exclamation mark (!)
- question mark (?)
- comma (,)
- semicolon (;)
- colon (:)
- apostrophe (')

Partial transcript:
Hello, and welcome back. In this lesson, I’m going to teach you the rules for using the seven most important punctuation marks, so that you can write correct English without making mistakes. There are exercises within the lesson to help you practice, and as always there is a final quiz at the end of the video. So, if you’re ready, let’s begin. We’re going to start with terminal punctuation. ‘Terminal’ means the end, so terminal punctuation marks are what we use to end a sentence. There are three of these: the period or the full stop, the exclamation mark, and the question mark. Let’s look at the period first. This mark is called the period in American English (AmE means American English), and it’s called the full stop in British English. It is used to mark the end of declarative and imperative sentences. I’ll explain. Here are some examples: “I teach English.” “We had pizza for dinner last night.” “If it rains tomorrow, I’ll bring my umbrella.” These sentences are called declarative sentences because they declare something; they give us some information. And at the end of each sentence, you see a period or full stop. Imperative sentences are commands or requests: “Please don’t feed the animals.” You might see this on a sign in a zoo. “Let me know what time your flight arrives.” “If it rains tomorrow, bring your umbrella.” Let’s now turn to the exclamation mark. It is used to convey strong emotion or feeling. Have a look at these two sentences: Both of them mean the same thing. The first sentence, which ends in a period, has no special feeling or emotion; it’s like saying “I’m really excited about my new job.” Doesn’t sound like I’m very excited, does it? That’s why we use the exclamation mark: “I’m really excited about my new job!” – it tells our reader to read the sentence with emotion – in this sentence, the emotion is excitement. This next sentence: “If you come to work late tomorrow, you’re fired!” Imagine a manger saying this to an employee. So, this expresses anger. In the same way, you can show many other feelings including surprise, joy, fear etc. using the exclamation mark. Now, both of these sentences are declarative, but you can also use the exclamation mark in an imperative sentence like this one: “Johnny, don’t play with your food!” You can imagine a mother saying that angrily to her son. So, it’s a strong or strict command. Another place where we use the exclamation mark is after interjections. Here are a couple of sentences: “Ouch! You just stepped on my foot!” “Wow! What a beautiful house!” Interjections are words like “ouch” and “wow” which are used to express feelings. So, remember: if you want to convey strong emotion in a sentence, put an exclamation mark at the end of it. If there’s no special feeling, just end the sentence with a period. OK, let’s turn now to the third terminal punctuation symbol: the question mark. It is used to mark the end of a question. So, it’s very straightforward: if a sentence is a question, then put a question mark at the end of it. Here are some examples: “What do you do?” “Are we allowed to feed the animals?” “If it rains tomorrow, should I bring my umbrella?” “Are you excited about your new job?” “Who lives in that house?” So, the rule is: if a sentence is a question, it must end with a question mark. Alright, let’s do a small exercise now. There are four sentences on the screen. I want you to add periods or full stops, exclamation marks and question marks where necessary. Stop the video, think about your answers, then play the video and check. OK, here are the answers. If you want, stop the video again, check your answers, then play the video and continue. Before we move on to the next topic, a quick note on spacing. Notice that there is no space between the last letter of a sentence and the terminal punctuation mark. If you put a space there, it’s wrong. But, when you begin a new sentence, you should leave a space after the terminal mark, and you should start the new sentence with a capital letter.
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You did more for me in 27 minutes than any of my teachers did in 11 years 😂


can't believe i actually watched this without getting bored and actually learnt something


I think words aren't enough to express my gratitude & my excitment for this great job! All my respect teacher. Your lessons are jewels.


1. The Period ( . )
I think it is very important because it helps the text not be seen all together, and in this way it becomes less tedious to read.
2. The Question Mark ( ? )
It has great importance, we use it all the time in what we say and without it, all sentences would be the same and would be affirmations
3. The Exclamation Point ( ! )
It helps a lot to differentiate when someone is angry or wants to make what they say noticed
4. The Comma (, )
The comma is very important because it separates the ideas in the texts and so you can put everything in different contexts
5. The Semicolon ( ; )
It helps to unite different ideas in the same part of the text and thus it does not become discontinuous and it is understood that they are different things
6. The Colon ( : )
It is important because it joins two parts, the second explains the first or talks about its functions
7. The Dash ( - )
It can be used in two ways to separate dates or years, and also to separate statements
8. The Hyphen ( - )
It is used to join words such as: 10-years-old
9. The Bracket ( [ ] )
It is used to emphasize texts or give them more importance
10. The Braces ( { } )
It is used in different ways, depending on the work area, you can use it to show what information is attached or for mathematical formulas
11. The Parenthesis ( )
They use them to put ideas in the text or put things that can be skipped
12. The Apostrophe ( ‘ )
It is important so that the text looks more natural and makes the possessive known
13. The Quotation Mark ( “ “ )
They are used to highlight words or quote things that other people said
14. The Ellipse ( . . . )
They are used to keep the text short and from there they jump to other ideas


Learned a lot more from you than my own teachers thank you 🙏


I learnt much more English from your video lessons within a few days than I have learned whole my school and uni. Life. I have no words to praise you. Thanks a lot my dear brother. You are the best teacher always. Plz plz plz continue your service (put more videos) for us. God bless you and your family.


All the information that was presented in this lesson was so refreshing. I haven't used these lessons for over 10 years and I finally have a need for them. Thank you for making it so easy to understand.


Thanks to this awesome man!

Because of you I had passed my Grammar tests with flying colours, and now I've graduated from university already!

I came back to this video so that I can revise all of the punctuation rules because I am going to take a teaching exam!

Thank you!


That was the best lesson I've had on punctuation ever it was clear and understandable. I can't wait to learn more! in the final quiz, I missed a comma and a semicolon but all the others were correct! Thank you again for this video.


I love your teaching style. Clear and concise, I learnt so much. Thank you


I love this lesson. My foundation is British English. I love the way you differentiate between that and American, which is my greatest challenge. I was smiling; because I got most correct. Thank you😁


The people who disliked are the tutors and teachers who are jealous about our wonderful sir's teaching.


Sir your way of pronunciation and accent is superb and impressive and confident as well as the the content on punctuation is also excellent .I really ENJOYED IT VERY MUCH


I normally use an adblocker, but not here. I observed that this teacher doesn't offer any paid classes. Meaning, he is creating such fabulous content for people like me, for free. I am getting the feeling that I am in debt. So it's a small token of gratitude.
Thank you, sir. You earned my respect. This is probably the first time in my life that I admired an English teacher.


In my opinion, this is the best YouTube channel on English learning, I have seen by far.

I'd love to see new videos from Teacher Ganesh!


What's wrong with the people who dislike these very informative and useful videos?


Honestly after 8 years of a high school never learned the correct English after watching his video I felt like I did master in punctuation marks 😭💕thanks


This is absolutely brilliant, clear and concise. Thank you, Sir !


Providing such a content free of cost in YouTube is amazing. He deserves at least 5 M subscribers.
