Using Pix4Dfields for agricultural mapping with drones

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Using Pix4Dfields for agricultural mapping with drones. Scholar Farms tests Pix4Dfields for color mapping using the example dataset from a wheat field captured with the S.O.D.A. camera on a Sensefly eBee. This is a rapid photogrammetry tool from Pix4D for generating UAV maps on farms, such as NDVI or prescription maps for precision agriculture.
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absolutely Love your background "tuneage" - Play Bluegrass almost all the time here!


Thanks for this demo video Greg!

Just wondering!! is there necessity to Buy a multispectral camera and/or an infrarred camera in order to obtain better and more precise results of NDVI imagery? or perhaps, my question is, PIX4D índex generador feature is quantitatively accurate enough for precise Analysis? 
I´m asking this besucase I´m just using my DJI Mavic Pro, and I´ve seen some FLIR infrared cameras for it, but don´t know wether the investment will improve my results and services to my client. 
What do. you recommend? 

Saludos desde Ecuador! 

Juan de Dios Morales


buenos días, excelente video.
me podrían brindar algún tipo de información de ¿ cómo realiza el tipo de interpolación al momento de zonificación ? o ¿ cuál es la base matemática que utilizan ? soy un estudiante de la Universidad Gabriel rene moreno Bolivia- santa cruz.
me despido cordialmente, esperando una pronta respuesta.
