Everything about the Siachen Glacier in 2 minutes!

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Hello Nerds! Welcome back to my channel!

In this video, I talk about the incredibly complicated and deadly Siachen Glacier. Siachen is the World's Highest, Costliest and the Deadliest battleground! India has been in control of the region since 1984, and continues to deploy heavy military presence in the region.

Indian army faces a lot of challenges at Siachen on a daily basis. A handful of soldiers are killed every month here, due to extreme weather and altitude sickness.

The Siachen Glacier is strategically located between India and China, while bordering the disputed region of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. By controlling Siachen Glacier, India can now keep a close eye on any twin threats from China and Pakistan.


This video is all about the Indian Siachen Glacier, India controlled Siachen Glacier, importance of Siachen Glacier to India and geography of Siachen Glacier.


#Geography #SiachenGlacier #Siachen

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Yeah, border anomolies are fascinating


man im looking to learn about the actual geography of this region and all i can find on yt is "strategic importance" to inidia or pakistan, nothing about the actual geography
