5 Eye-Opening Signs From the Universe You Should Never Ignore

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In life, changes don't just happen out of the blue. There are often clear signs. However, many of us are so busy with our daily lives that we overlook these subtle clues right under our noses.
But if you start paying more attention to what's happening around you, you'll be better at understanding and navigating the path you're on. You're not alone in this journey. Alongside you is a powerful guiding force, like a compass. The Universe is encouraging you to live with purpose and to be the best version of yourself.

Your Higher Self, the wisest part of you, is always trying to communicate with you. To connect with this inner wisdom, all you need is trust and an open mind. Trust that you're being guided, and keep your mind open to the signs and messages coming your way.
Here are five signs from the universe that you should not ignore.

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iam almost 64 years old, take it for granted
happenies is not in companionship in any form
it's within you, please get rid of attachments
live and feel free, life is too short to waste .


I think u exactly knows the nerve of people, u discuss the right things what people really want to listen... I FEEL How BLESSED U ARE TO MAKE SUCH BEAUTIFUL VIDEOS THAT MAKE OTHERS REALLY HAPPY ❤


I have a big family on both sides and I’ve always felt alone. I was looking for love from outside sources so I would put my self last and everyone else first. I am in my 40’s and I recently found myself because i took my power back and put myself first its such an amazing feeling so I am so grateful and appreciative for THE ALL MIGHTY HIGH DIVINE SOURCE for giving me the strength to get to this point because it wasn’t easy and also for putting individuals such as WN in my path to give me that understanding that putting myself first is not a selfish act and with that being said I will forever be GRATEFUL AND APPRECIATIVE. I wish everyone that reads this ❤ BLESSINGS, PEACE, HAPPINESS, and LIGHT. May you keep your vibrational energy at a high frequency.


This couldn’t have come without divine intervention!!! I’ve been struggling with making a major life change. I’ve called out to the Universe for answers, missing signs along the way. This video has brought me more clarity. I feel like the answers I’ve been seeking have finally become more clear. Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!
I value Wisdom Nugget’s! Sending Love & Light & God’s Blessings ❤🙏🏻


I realize my assigned part I am to play, as something that I must do, and which no one else can do.
From the respect and gratitude that I feel in my heart and in my mind, I thank the Universe for the privilege of, and for my ability to express my gratitude for all my blessings.


Thank you so much for spreading positivity in this world! 💖


This in time for me thank you so much this is sign for me indeed, thank you for serving ❤


My favorite channel on YouTube. It’s remarkable that it seems like you make every video for me personally. Thank you for your amazing voice, wisdom, and messages. I appreciate them all greatly.


Beautiful, thank you again for another valuable lesson on self care and the rest we need to feel better 💞


Definitely resonates with, changes need to be made


Everything you say is always on point with what's going on in my life and I appreciate your perspective and the way you deliver your messages thank you very much


❤ this is a reminder of how much Ive grown. Thank you ❤


If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine. ✨💖🌟


Always what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. Thank you 🙏❤️


First one to view, do u really read ny mind, u upload videos at right time...


Well said. Thank you for this profound wisdom. ❤


Thank you for the reminder, wholeness friend


this the first Ever Truth that I cried It felt liked was talkin 2 Me Thank You


Incredible Truth! Yes, I firmly believe that universe talks to us. It is our own ability to understand and pick up the cues it is sending toward us. I listen to your podcast everyday, it is just like a my daily morning ritual. Fantastic contribution, thank you for adding value to my day! 🙏


This is the truth and I am going with you feel
