Create Docker on MacOS for Nimble Streamer with SRT package

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This video showcases the installation and setup of Nimble Streamer with the SRT package on MacOS using Docker technology.

Due to technical reasons, the MacOS support for the SRT package is missing in Nimble Streamer, so this approach allows using SRT on Mac.

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Time codes:
0:00 Intro
0:20 Installing Docker
0:47 Getting and changing Dockerfile
1:26 Building image and running container
2:30 Setting external IP for server at WMSPanel
2:45 Setting SRT input for Nimble Streamer
3:06 Publishing via SRT with Larix Broadcaster app and Larix Grove settings import
3:33 Testing output playback with web SLDP Player
4:06 Connecting to container for changing config and checking logs
5:05 Stopping the container

#nimblestreamer #docker #softvelum
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Time codes:
0:00 Intro
0:20 Installing Docker
0:47 Getting and changing Dockerfile
1:26 Building image and running container
2:30 Setting external IP for server at WMSPanel
2:45 Setting SRT input for Nimble Streamer
3:06 Publishing via SRT with Larix Broadcaster app and Larix Grove settings import
3:33 Testing output playback with web SLDP Player
4:06 Connecting to container for changing config and checking logs
5:05 Stopping the container


When I start to build the image following error showing

"executor failed running [/bin/sh -c apt-get install nimble nimble-srt -y]: exit code: 100
SS-3:srt sstvproductions$ "

Please Advice
