Shawnee Sioux War Dance HD

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Estimava-se em mais de 25 milhões o número de índios da América do Norte e a cerca de 2 mil os idiomas falados. No fim das chamadas “guerras indígenas”, de 1860 a 1890, eram apenas 2 milhões, menos de 10% do total.
O genocídio dos índios foi um processo claramente controlado e impulsionado pelo governo dos Estados Unidos, recusando-se a assimilar qualquer conceito diverso de seus paradigmas e cultura e a acatar outros saberes.
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Автор know as soon as the dances begin...all their 'spiritual heritage' comes flashing through their veins!!

* you can't help but feel that 🌼
It is beautiful


In my 50s I worked in Stanley, ND and met Men and Women of several Tribes. I have be unable to explain the feeling of meeting people so pure. From the Elders to the infants, I was honored. Your natural beauty is unmatched and yet I've not met a more humble people
As an African American Woman, I know my culture here has become quite poluted but we as of other Brown People in America, want the same thing as The Indigenous Natives. Contrary to the belief of many, we don't want revenge, but justice. Stay strong, beautiful and healthy Native American People.💜


The songs I always listen in the morning before I start my day to give me energy, to calm me down or to help me fight my daily battles


I am from croatia..and this beutiful..wish you come to croatia have amazing songs .dance rituale..I am with you.and may heart..with native american..


They are ghost dancing. That's no war dance. Its the ghost dance from the Lakota Sioux.


Super montage en accord avec la musique et la partie chantée. Cela réveille des mémoires en moi. Beaucoup d'émotions aussi...


Hermosa cultura. Antes de morir me gustaría visitar una reserva de comanches o sioux. No hay otro lugar donde quisiera estar. Saludos desde Chile!


What a powerful message sent to non North American Indians.Wars are always at the hands of the greed and bigger powers.The Peaceful people on this planet, usually never bite unless bitten first.Sadly when a Pitbull dog attacks or bites another gentler dog, if it does not kill it, it leaves scares physically and emotionally.The history of all Indian tribes that got bitten so hard, makes my heart hurt.You people have come a long way recovering from all those that bit you, you tried with bravery to bite back and your bravery was amazing, to this day that same bravery is still there, your land was taken from you, your people slaughtered, your spirit wounded, I see that wounded spirit coming back to its original Peaceful strength, you are amazing people with a beautiful proud culture, your God loving spirits shine today, your forefathers are watching with pride, to see that their sacrifice was not in vain, their people are have survived the horrors of the past, wounds are healing.


It still fucks with my head that Wounded Knee started over the government's fear of this dance.😑
Well, I'm confident that the Calvary men who merciless murdered all those men, women, children and babies at Wounded Knee are all burning in the deepest pits of Hell.


All these people are really beautiful how could they hurt them


Dancing is one of the most joyful ways one may express physical freedom. For it allows one to demonstrate their understanding of self control, discipline, loyalty, devotion, appreciation, respect, confidence by systematically, expressing flexibility, range of motion, eye hand coordination, timing, balance, explosive power, muscle response, stamina, agility, focused precision, strength, and joyful determination. Which are all fundamental elements of ancient warrior guardian soldier bodyguard protector messengers. Who were on the front line of the greatest empire civilized nations that have ever existed throughout the history of mankind.What is disappointing is people are not performing wearing clothes shoes make up) so forth and so on etc. etc. that is made to the highest standards of quality! Which is organic biodegradable earth friendly. I mean if you care about yourself and planet Earth. You always want to be your best physically, mentally and spiritually.So keep it real by staying raw, wild, naturally hard-core and organically appealing which is truly captivating, absolutely appreciated, respected, desired and spiritually sought after internally and externally for all eternity throughout existence by all the gods goddesses angels of the ancient Royal elite bodyguard soldier warrior guardian protector messenger dominant gentleman superior father. The point is no one can express or receive love or any other emotional desire in its entirety if the don't know themselves from the inside out. Example most people don't know that make up leeches into the skin pores and then gets absorbed into the bloodstream overworking the right left kidney stressing out the liver. Overworking all the body's organs disrupting Hendering the body's natural ability to be able to adjust adapt respond and recover to any and all situations internally externally. That lack of comprehension physical inadequacies is The primary reason why specialist leading physicians determine unanimously concluded that American women are far more likely to develop thyroid problems versus European women. And that has Nothing to do with charming personality and everything to do with standards of quality. S.R.F. . PHD. Equally as alarming due to those beauty supplies, cosmetics, clothing bug spray perfume made to the lowest standards of quality top scientist have presented the question'
If 1 billion women are using and wearing petroleum-based fingernails combined with fingernail polish that contains flammable chemicals on a daily basis how many hundreds of thousands of tons of this toxic sludge better known as makeup beauty supplies cosmetics do we have to manufacture mass-produce to meet that supply and demand? As you know we don't use 100% of anything especially here in America. So where does all that excess poisonous toxic sludge bug spray perfume and up? In our rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, wishing wells, oceans and various other bodies of water burnt off into our airways atmosphere as a poisonous vapor. Not to mention that if makeup beauty supplies cosmetics are not organic biodegradable then they are not earth friendly. Which means when these products leach into the skin pores they get absorbed into the bloodstream which has a physical mental spiritual debilitating effect. For each body has over 60, 000 miles of area that blood can travel through within it 60, 000 miles of area alone is enough distance to circumference the world twice so what is attractive appealing physically mentally spiritually beneficial about one free lead poisoning their own blood Highway around the world at the same time causing irreversible damage to mother Earth and all the various different forms of life that live within this world. Now having a blood Highway that makes it around the world twice may sound out of this world. However it is minuscule, compared to the fact that if you put a person's DNA side-by-side strand for strand you will make it to the moon and back three or 3000 times. I can't remember which one let's just say for arguments sake it was only three times. That is roughly 750, 000 miles that one has the potential of physically proclaiming. Unfortunately if you poison corrupt damage your own blood Highway. It's definitely not going to have the same effect as if you were properly maintaining get the point? In layman's terms if life is not free why the hell would death be any cheaper it's not. The question your feeble minds frail bodies may be able to handle, is who souls and spirits have paid out are picking up the tab on the end results of dirty low-paying jobs that come from outdated power sources, inferior materials, poisonous, toxic substances, pesticides and chemicals that never change their killing composition which means simpleton whether it is a solid, liquid or burnt off into our airways atmosphere as a vapor it is always going to be poisonous debilitating deadly to the body at the same time polluting corrupting devastating to the planet Earth and all the various different forms of life that live within this world. There is no profit to be made in the demise of the world. Even worse primarily due to those dirty low-paying jobs for the last hundred and 50 years or so the mass majority of the population has been living dying yielding the worst spiritual kickback that has ever been manifested from life. Since the beginning of life. Which is sad, pathetic and ignorant beyond retarded considering we have always had the man/woman power, technology, resources, substances and capabilities to create clean high-paying jobs from coast-to-coast that would improve upon and maintain the quality of our air, water, foods, landscapes, working and living environment, every day home products, habitats and ecosystems.


Shawnee's have nothing to do with Lakota anything ...


There are no Shawnee-Sioux! Shawnee belong to the Algonkin language family.


I watch this movie during history class last week and it was a good movie


This is beautiful I'm Native American Amazon Guarani and Andes Inca


Excelente investigación y felicidades por este histórico documental


Как страшно когда у тебя забирают твою землю, родину, язык.Люблю коренные народы Америки.Они достойны лучшего!


...this music transports so much power and energy...just beautiful !


I have the pleasure of meeting a Cherokee man down in Cherokee North Carolina in the summer of 1994, he made a choker out of bone & silver for me wile me & my father was talking to him & I had know ideal that he was making it for me wile we were talking . He asked where we wore from, we told him Cincinnati Ohio, he said to us THE LAND OF THE GREAT SHAWNEE, i was surprised by how he Knew that, my father told him that we were going to chimney rock North Carolina where they filmed LAST OF THE MOHICANS, he told us that he was a extra in the movie & that they had to get up at 3:00 in the morning just so they could get ready to shoot the film . When he was done with the choker he told me that he had a great gift to give me & handed me the choker & that he wanted to give it to me because he thought it was nice that someone from out of state was so interested in the Indian Coulter & not many people talk to him about it . At that time I told him that I could not take it from him out of respect but he insisted so I reached into my pocket & told him that I would like to pay him for making it so I gave him $75.00 bucks he told me that out of respect he could not take that much money from me but I insisted that he did, & my father stepped in & said that he thought it was a even trade because we were impressed by his story & the craftsmen ship of the choker so we shook hands & agreed he thanked us as we went on are way . I will never forget that ever & I have the biggest respect for the Indian nation & theses people .


Um dos povos mais inteligentes, viviam da natureza, amavam-na como mãe, evocavam DEUS, como nenhum outro povo, o grande espirito, agradeciam pela colheita, caça, pesca, e clamavam em suas danças por chuvas, e o grande espirito " DEUS " os atendia.
