2019 - QGIS is dead, long live QGIS! - the very best new features of QGIS 3.x
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QGIS 2.18 has been discontinued - the king is dead.
QGIS 3.4 is the new long term release - long live the king!
QGIS 3.10 is being developed - The princess is growing
In this talk, I'll try to highlight the very best features available in the QGIS 3.x series like:
- User profiles
- Multiple map views
- Native 3D viewer with support for vector features and mesh data
- Mesh data support
- Autocompleting search
- Unified Data Source Manager
- GeoPackage as the default format
- Select features by value tool
- Lots of new processing tools
- Project DB/Auxillary storage and easy custom labelling
- Editing in place
- New renderers
- Lots of improvements to Print composer
- Valid CRS Extents Preview
Marco Bernasocchi