Stitch my Photo, Using Procreate to Turn a Photo into a Sketch

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Procreate is a wonderful tool! It is an Apple app that I use to turn my photos into a sketch. The sketch can then be used for an appliqué pattern or used as a free-motion design. I hope this inspires you. It has really opened doors for me. Enjoy!


iPad (I am using the 7th Generation):
Apple Pencil for the 7th Generation:

Procreate app is available in the App Store




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Hi Julia. You’ve done it again. I bought the App and Pencil about a year ago to do exactly as you have done. You have made the process look so simple. You are such an inspiration. Thank you and cheers. ❤❤❤


Hi Julia I have watched every one of your videos! When I’m looking for inspiration I go back and page through your videos for a new project. Please don’t ever stop posting ideas. You are one of a kind.


Thank you so VERY much for this! I have been searching for months to figure out how to do this. Much appreciated!


My daughter has this and she has been painting photos for customers and they look amazing. I am a long arm quilter and I have been using it to try out quilting designs over the top of my quilt photos. I must say you explained how to use this program much better than my daughter did lol.


Thank you so much - I love your video’s and this has helped me so much!


Thank you so much for sharing Julia! FYI this worked perfectly on my Ipad Mini. You've got the best videos and ideas and so graciously share with us all. Following your videos I've made things I never would've attempted on my own. Thank you!


Hi Julia, I now know what is on my Christmas list for Hubby, Thanks so much for your detailed instructions. Hope you vacation is wonderful.


I’m so appreciative that you’ve done this tutorial using Procreate! I couldn’t get the GoodNotes app to work for this process and almost went crazy trying! I have the Procreate app but needed someone to simplify how to do this task. Very much looking forward to seeing you continue the process with fabric, stitches and paint! Thank you!


Phew this will be getting the old cogs churning! 😀thanks so much for this Julia, what a brilliant idea. Inspiring as always, enjoy the sunshine. It is warming up here in New Zealand.. bring on the summer markets! Keep safe and safe travel back home xx


Thank you so much Julia! I have an air pad 2...old! Going to the apple sore tomorrow!!! It is so funny. I would take my iPad and put a paper on it and hold around the edges and just barely be able to trace on the screen with a regular pencil on the paper. It was really hard to do without touching the screen and needing to reposition the image again. I can hardly wait to get a new iPad and the pro-create app! I have been following you for years and every time you add a new video I am able to go to my happy place and forget all about this virus. Thank you for your continued inspiration and kindness!!


Just love it. Have a great time. Thanks for sharing. 😊


Thank you! I appreciate the clarity of this tutorial. You really made it seem easy.


What a great idea! Thank you for sharing this.


Mahalo Julia, excellent video as always--I have a generation 6 ipad with a gen 1 Apple Pencil and Procreate--the most impressive reasonably priced app EVER! I got my pencil for our 50th Anniversary--earlier in the year I envisioned going on a far away fun to learn new things. Aloha, chiyo--another lefty


Love using procreate for art projects! Great little tutorial and idea for quilting project! I would wait to come back to Minnesota, may snow this weekend, 😏


Thanks for taking time out of your (warm-looking!) vacation to make this tutorial, Julia. I have used Procreate to make a logo for my podcast (It's called Christmas Book Review) but needed my kid's help to use the tools! It's good to have a few simple skills to start with, I think, so I love this idea of making a simple sketch from your photos and then being able to use that in a lot of different ways with sewing!


Oh Thanks Julia, that looks fun to play with and not as hard to figure out how to use it. Humm, I’ll keep this in mind when I’m shopping for a new iPad. 💗 Chris-Raleigh NC


Look at that lovely sunshine, I'm sitting with a blanket round me in the UK!, Love this app, may have to update my iPad as it's old but as you say it's a great way to transform a photo into appliqué or even 2d felting. Enjoy the rest of your holiday Julia x


What a brilliant idea! You have opened plenty of doors for me.


Looks so good where you are Julia ! Love this idea, but not something I will be able to have. But it has given me ideas on using photos though. Have some I would really like to use, so must try another way. Always good to see what you do, thanks for sharing.
