Our Number One Problem – Human Survival

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The number one problem facing our world today is the survival of the human race. Nuclear weapons in the hands of madmen hold us hostage. Understand God’s perspective on this life-or-death problem.

The Holy Bible blasts a blistering warning to anyone who will heed: we teeter on the brink of nuclear annihilation! Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’ for the startling facts surrounding the all-important question of human survival. Will humanity really commit cosmocide, or will God intervene to save us from ourselves? Why are we in such grave danger of extinction in the first place? What is fundamentally wrong with human beings that could cause us to be such a deadly threat to our own existence?

Study Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’ for absolute proof that mankind will experience the horrors of nuclear war one last time. The evidence lies in Matthew 24, which provides several specific signs that the return of Jesus Christ is near. You can prove that nearly all of these signs have already occurred! When our Savior comes back to Earth, He will set His hand to save all mankind. This is the good news beyond the Earth-shaking chaos, violence, bloodshed and nuclear war that is coming.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet ‘We Have Had Our Last Chance.’ We can learn so much from the history of U.S. General Douglas MacArthur in World War II. MacArthur was a great leader.

Today, our great leaders have disappeared. The Bible said it would be so. This is a curse from God on our nation! And you can know why. Study ‘We Have Had Our Last Chance’ to understand why God is very upset at America.

General MacArthur knew that World War II would be the last survivable worldwide conflict. The next one, he warned, would erase all life from the planet. MacArthur declared the need for a spiritual solution to human problems. He was right—human survival depends on human character! Until mankind learns this vital lesson, we will continue to be at risk of nuclear annihilation.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet Overcoming Satan. Only by obeying God and fighting the devil can we escape the coming trouble. Unlock the secret to conquering your ultimate adversary. Learn how to break free from bondage to the devil.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door,’ ‘We Have Had Our Last Chance,’ and Overcoming Satan. Order now!
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