5 Best FREE Mock Test Resources For JEE MAINS and JEE ADVANCED 2022. (300+Mock Tests FREE)

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In this video I have told about the best 5 resources of mock tests for JEE MAINS and JEE ADVANCED 2022. These all will be enough that you will not fill the need to purchase a paid test series . All links are given below:
Mock Test Resources :
Time Stamps :
00:00 - Intro to the video
00:15 - Importance of mock tests
00:43- 1st resource
02:57 - 2nd resource
03:45 - 3rd resource
04:21 - 4th resouce
04:43 - 5th resource
05:11 - Outro to the video
Connect with me :
Channel Moto :
This Channel is made for all the students out there specially for JEE aspirants . Here I will guide you as your elder brother and I will tell you about my experience and mistakes which I did in my JEE preparation which if someone would have told me earlier then I would have been in some IIT . So you can find me eligible to guide you in your JEE preparation . About me : Hello everyone my name is Hemant Navlani. I am currently pursuing B.Tech in computer science in one of the oldest university of India that is Jamia Milia Islamia which holds NIRF rank 33 in in engineering in 2021.
JEE Books:
PYQ's Books
44 PYQ Book Disha Publicationns :
43 PYQ Book Arihant Publications:
43 PYQ Book MTG Publications:
Physics :
HC Verma :
D.C. Pandey :
Resnick Halliday :
Chemistry :
Cengage :
Inorganic Chemistry By V.K. Jaiswal :
Organic Chemistry By HImanshu Pandey:
Physical Chemistry By N. Awasthi :
J.D. Lee Inorganic Chemistry :
Wiley's Physical Chemistry :
M.S Chouhan Organic Chemistry:
Maths :
Arihant :
Objective R.D. Sharma :
Youtube Gears;
Laptop Macbook Air M1:
Mobile One Plus Nord :
Tripod :
Selfie Stick:
Neck Band Boat Rockerz 335:
TWS Earphones Samsung:
#jee #engineering #jee2022 #jeemains2022 #mentor #mocks #free #jeeadvanved #iit #iitjee #freetests #allentestmyprep #allen #unacademy #nta #ntaabhyas #ntaabhyasapp #jeetests #embibe #jeemains
How to find free mock tests for jee.Free Jee mock tests . Free JEE resources.
Mock Test Resources :
Time Stamps :
00:00 - Intro to the video
00:15 - Importance of mock tests
00:43- 1st resource
02:57 - 2nd resource
03:45 - 3rd resource
04:21 - 4th resouce
04:43 - 5th resource
05:11 - Outro to the video
Connect with me :
Channel Moto :
This Channel is made for all the students out there specially for JEE aspirants . Here I will guide you as your elder brother and I will tell you about my experience and mistakes which I did in my JEE preparation which if someone would have told me earlier then I would have been in some IIT . So you can find me eligible to guide you in your JEE preparation . About me : Hello everyone my name is Hemant Navlani. I am currently pursuing B.Tech in computer science in one of the oldest university of India that is Jamia Milia Islamia which holds NIRF rank 33 in in engineering in 2021.
JEE Books:
PYQ's Books
44 PYQ Book Disha Publicationns :
43 PYQ Book Arihant Publications:
43 PYQ Book MTG Publications:
Physics :
HC Verma :
D.C. Pandey :
Resnick Halliday :
Chemistry :
Cengage :
Inorganic Chemistry By V.K. Jaiswal :
Organic Chemistry By HImanshu Pandey:
Physical Chemistry By N. Awasthi :
J.D. Lee Inorganic Chemistry :
Wiley's Physical Chemistry :
M.S Chouhan Organic Chemistry:
Maths :
Arihant :
Objective R.D. Sharma :
Youtube Gears;
Laptop Macbook Air M1:
Mobile One Plus Nord :
Tripod :
Selfie Stick:
Neck Band Boat Rockerz 335:
TWS Earphones Samsung:
#jee #engineering #jee2022 #jeemains2022 #mentor #mocks #free #jeeadvanved #iit #iitjee #freetests #allentestmyprep #allen #unacademy #nta #ntaabhyas #ntaabhyasapp #jeetests #embibe #jeemains
How to find free mock tests for jee.Free Jee mock tests . Free JEE resources.