15 Signs You’re an ENFP | The Most Charming Personality Type

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15 Signs You’re an ENFP | The Most Charming Personality Type | Extroverted and imaginative, the ENFP personality type is a true free spirit. They use their innate ENFP charm to build an abundance of social and emotions connections with the people around them.

The ENFP personality type is truly extroverted and interested in social interaction, in fact, this is what gives them the title of the campaigner personality type in the 16 personalities Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI). So, what makes an ENFP so magnetizing and comfortable to be around and what are the ENFP traits?

Well, if you're wondering what are the signs of an ENFP personality, this video will surely answer all of your curiosities!

#ENFPpersonality #ENFP #MBTI


👉 5 Signs You're More Resilient Than Average

👉 6 Irresistibly Charming ENFP Characteristics

👉 9 Signs You’re a True Heyoka (The Most Powerful Empath)






All Audio & Video Production by PSYCH-O

Disclaimer: PSYCH-O is a theory channel. The contents of this video are based on theory research and was NOT created using professional advice. The contents in this video and all of PSYCH-O videos are under United States state law for Fair Use. The video is edited for entertainment and informative purposes.

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*So, according to these 15 signs, do you think you could be an ENFP personality type?*
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Enfps always have the most positive chat section! Been obsessed with the Mbti's. Found it crazy when I learned my wife was an Infj the rarest one and i'm the lucky enfp that found her.


I'm an ENFP-A but even though I enjoy meeting people I always thought that I was an outgoing introvert. I prefer meaningful relationships. Yes, I am impulsive and an artist and aa musician. I've stopped being a people pleaser and don't need other peoples approval.


😂😭😂 if anybody ever says, “so tell me about yourself!” I’m just sending them this video


I am ALL ENFP. Especially when I was younger. I have an IQ in the 180 range, and although
I have a degree, I don't value formal education, instead preferring to self-educate. In my latter years, I have successfully utilized my self-examination abilities to mitigate the negative aspects of we ENFPs. One of the many benefits of experience, This vid describes me to a tee at ages 15-50, but these days I seek balance between chaos and order. Adventure awaits!


Dear fellow ENFP, I recommend buying a roomba to clean your floors. Make sure you also have a dishwasher. This will help you enormously keeping oder at home. Before you start the roomba, you need to clear up the floor from junk 👍


Man this is crazy, when you said the worst thing to say to an ENFP is "I told you so" you reminded me that I actually hated when my dad uses to say it to me. Crazy bro


My close friend is ENFP too, we always cheer up and never stop each other when it’s shopping. Disaster


I’m a flight attendant ✈️ and I love meeting new people 🤗 I mean humble and kind people ❤ ENFP


This video makes me laugh 😂 how can this video be so on point and accurate


So a greeter was needed for a large social function being planned. My name was uttered immediately by many and there was no further discussion. I was happy to oblige! I am an ENFP. Took the Myers-Briggs again several years later and again the results were ENFP! I am also a 7 on the Enneagram. Love it! You nailed it!


Love this! Im an ENFP and type 7 enneagram.


Im an enfp the only difference is that i don't have a big social circle 🤷🤷


SO true....#10...I'm always casting pearls before swine so to speak. NO one seems to be on my 'wavelength'. Case in point: Recently I was distressed by having to remind my co-workers of the great idea I mentioned days before, yet no one had reacted to. Their response? "Oh...you mean were SERIOUS?"


Every fact, especially the overthinking part!!! How could I have made that one social interaction better, even if it was a good one, plague me lol. My mistakes maybe even more.

And re: the maybe not 😂 I do get along with very different people but I don't think I'm popular or have huge groups or anything.

Excellent video overall. I almost feel a bit too seen lol. Even down to the part of not seeming that sensitive on the outside despite the opposite and the lack of confidence.


Im an mistyped AS INFJ and now tests as ENFP :)

I grew up having to be a mediator between people and ive Come to realize over the years that Even though i love listening to people especially if they Are open to the exchange of ideas, it brings me down and drains me.

I love travel and i sometimes feel more nomadic than a romani family. I started traveling and sold everything i owned in 2018. IT was the best year of my life and i loved the absence of rules.

I want to become a travel journalist and i want to turn travel into a livelihood. ITs great Choice for enfps like me who is easily bored and needs the flow of cultural exchanges.

Hah. :D uhm. Idk man. Enfps Unite! <3


We care about people’s emotions/ feelings. Also we like being at peace with everyone. And sure any healthy person wouldn’t like it, if other’s didn’t like them. But because ENFP’s desire harmony, we like to get along with other’s. I’ve had to learn not to care what narcissists, and cluster B personality types think of me. Now either your for me, or you’re against me. And I will no longer give my pearls to swines. If an ENFP hurts a very kind person’s feelings; we can feel absolutely 😞 awful. We care about other people’s opinions, because we love encouraging ourselves; just as well as other’s. So yes, we can come off insecure. Because of the sensitivity, that we feel towards good people’s feelings. It might display this in a very expressive manner. And when this occurs, then we can become the antagonist in our lives. And being insecure; will clearly depend on someone’s level of maturity. And their level of trauma. So it wouldn’t be their personality type that determines insecurities. Btw, I love the video, great job at explaining the ENFP personality.😊 🤗


I finally found a video that described me perfectly! This made me super happy :)


The ENFP is a close match to the 7's in the Ennegram. If you relate to this video description, check it out and see if you can relate to it too. Excellent video, feel like it is describing me to a T.


I don't hav any patient to watch dis fully😿
