A Conversation with Lila Rose, President of Live Action #Prolife #Life #vote #Truth

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Lila Rose is one of the most influential voices in our nation on the sanctity of life, and she stands unafraid to challenge the secular worldview that has propelled abortion worldwide.

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I am totally against abortion...always have been. It is murder, plain and simple. God Bless you in fighting for the innocent!!! Keep up the good work!!


Lila, you're not "becoming" a mother, you already are! :) Your baby has already been conceived, you just can't see him/her yet (well, okay, the ultrasound) and wasn't born yet, but you're taking care of your baby at the stage he/she is in with all your might. Best wishes! God bless you and your husband.


So proud of Lila. Keep up the front line fight. You are doing God's will.


There are other ways of getting your information out to the public. FaceBook doesn't want to ruffle feathers of those that are supporting them. When it comes to the TRUTH, FB chooses to limit what they want to allow to be public. Keep pressing with your TRUTH! No matter what others want to believe or not. You believe it that is all that matters.
When you get doctors involved they (government) get nervous that the people will start believing it.
Keep speaking the truth. GOD honors the truth.


Keep fighting Lila. God has you and will go ahead of you in your fight to turn roe v Wade. I believe it will happen, and praying to see it.


Jesus as an embroyo. Praise be to Jesus the Lord and giver of life.
