Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Cap.2 Familia Romana | LLPSI FAMILIA ROMANA

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The best way to learn Latin is with the book Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana, which uses a continuous narrative, like a novel, to teach the Latin language through context alone. These recordings introduce the student to good pronunciation; however, one must purchase the book from Amazon in order to learn Latin with them.

Purchase Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana from Amazon at this link :
The LLPSI supplement Colloquia Personarum can be purchased here:

The LLPSI series can also be purchased through regional distributors Vivarium Novum, Focus/Hackett Publishing, Cultura Clásica, Addisco, & NewSouth Books. The video does *not* include the important and necessary exercises, vocabulary lists, indices, or grammatical explanations (all of which are critical to make any use of the text) found in the complete book Familia Romana, which is by far the best instrument ever designed to teach the Latin language. The main purpose of this recording is to students understand correct pronunciation of Latin, and is intended for educational use only. The secondary purpose is to encourage others to purchase the books of the Lingua Latina series.

👨‍🏫 My Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata playlist · Free Latin Lessons:

This recording is unique in that it preserves all long and short vowels and syllables, as well as the correct scansion and rhythm of the phrase, exactly as encountered in Ancient Roman poetry. It represents one of the most accurate interpretations of the pronunciation of Classical Latin (roughly 100 B.C. to 200 A.D.).

When using these videos, pause after each phrase, and repeat after the recording. Try to emulate what you hear as exactly as possible: clearly pronounce the long and short vowels, the long and short syllables, and follow the rhythm and the melody of the phrase just like music. Note the elision or mixing of vowels between words, a vital part of the pronunciation of Latin and all the Romance languages. The result will be an exceedingly natural pronunciation that will permit you to understand intuitively the scansion of Latin poetry, and to speak Latin with native-style fluency.

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#LLPSI #Latin #FamiliaRomana

00:00 Intro
00:06 Lēctiō I
02:19 Lēctiō II
05:50 Lēctiō III
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🦂 Support my work on Patreon:

📚 Luke Ranieri Audiobooks:

🤠 Take my course LATIN UNCOVERED on StoryLearning, including my original Latin adventure novella "Vir Petasātus"

🦂 Sign up for my Latin Pronunciation & Conversation series on Patreon:


I've been listening to the first one non-stop since it was released. I'm glad I have another one to get addicted to


Irene's voice is fantastic! Please redo them all with her. Thanks!


I was born and rised up in a small ancient district of Rome where we studied Latin since the Middle Schools and, all I wanna say is: Thank you Luke!
It warms my heart to see how much you love my city, my people and my ancestors (even If I'm half Sardinian). Keep up this amazing work, I hope that more people will discover the beauty of the Latin language thanks to you!


Wow, using your 7-part rereading guide, I'm amazed how much I progressed with listening and reading comprehension, pronunciation, inner reading voice, etc. The first time around, I was following the text and listening and was lost in the myriad word endings (even with having memorised them). By the end, I was reading silently with the audio off on pace with the video, my inner voice was hitting all the pronunciations, and all the visualisations were bringing me the meanings of each phrase. Truly an amazing feeling, like my brain was expanding by the moment. I'm hooked!


Thank you so much, Luke! You are one of the best Latin teachers on YouTube.

¡Muchas gracias, Luke! Eres uno de los mejores profesores de latín en YouTube.


I've been reading LLPSI to learn how to read Cicero and Seneca in the original Latin. These readings help to "hear" the Latin as I read it. It really makes the Philippics jump off of the page. "Quid est in Antonio praeter libidinem, crudelitatem, petulantiam, audaciam?"


Salve form Poland! I'm just beginning my adventure with Lingua Latina, and I am tremendously thankful to you for recording these clips, they are bringing the whole thing to life!


Nossa! Que incrível. Obrigada por vídeos tão maravilhosos ❤


Love these updates. :) Thank you for continually offering more!


Irene's voice is insanely beautiful


Damn thank you for this. I’ve been working my way through Familia Romana and the sound of a language is so key to stickiness for me. Really helps. (I’m a musician and, as I like to say, “aurally fixated” 😂) Native English, fluent in French and currently studying Latin for insight into both languages. Thank you again. 🙏


Thank you for recording these. It helps so much with learning!


These new recordings sound so good, its great to go through again and focus in more on the details of pronunciation.


"In familiā Iuliī sunt multī servī, paucī līberī."

And so the stage was set for the slave rebellion...


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman in movies speak Latin. It gives it a whole different flavor.


Salve ex Fōrmōsā! Grātiās tibi agō pro hōc vidēo! Lentē discō linguam Latīnam. ❤


This is so unbelievably helpful for me. I love it ❤️


Thanks for all these videos. They are helping me a lot to learn properly the language of my ancestors. In fact, as a romance language speaker, it's very easy for me actually. I understand almost everything without making any effort lol. Regards from Gades.


Fifteen years ago I finished this book and was about a quarter of the way through the second one when I fell away from it. This has reignited my desire to start again and continue. Thank you so much!