The Power of Epigenetics in Fertility and Women's Health with Dr Cleopatra

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In today’s episode I’m joined by Dr. Cleopatra, a scientist and university professor who pioneered the field of fertility-biohacking and created "superbabies."

As the Executive Director of The Fertility and Pregnancy Institute, and known as "The Fertility Strategist,” she is an amazing contributor to our ongoing conversation surrounding women’s health.

In this episode we explore the science of epigenetics and what she calls the primemester, the powerful window of time before pregnancy when you have the ability to change the quality and expression of the genes that you pass down to your babies and future grandbabies.

We also look at fertility and how it impacts your overall health as well as the importance of taking care of your unique and amazing body. No matter what stage of life you are in, this conversation will benefit you!

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