Ciliates, Euplotes division & budding -Hypersalinity- Dr G. Hotos Lab, Greece

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In hypersaline water (salinity 95 ppt) most of the phases of an Euplotes sp. ciliate cell division were captured and in another case a budding process. Unfortunately as it is most often the case, the rapidly rising salinity of the microscopy plate containing the creature, reaches extreme values not tolerated any more. That's why in this video, division was halted near its end and the budding process turned out to disintegration of the protozoan. But the most interesting thing is that Euplotes was for the first time captured to bud. Scanning the literature I never found a mention about Euplotes budding. Never again met such a phenomenon in my daily microscopy observations.
Dr George N. Hotos, professor
Dept of Aquaculture & Fisheries Department
Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of W. Greece
Рекомендации по теме

Very instructive! Nice to see good ordinary bright field microscopy...
