UNICOM : Sources of medication data

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The landscape of use of medication data is quite broad and diverse. When looking at standards for the exchange of medication data, including the terminology mappings needed to cross the borders between the different domains, it is important to identify the original sources of the data being exchanged. These sources are the key first step in making sure that the necessary data is captured and coded with the requisite quality and level of detail. In this community of expertise we focus on the sources of data across the landscape and the implications this has for the reuse of these data in the processes downstream from the source. We expect to identify several cases of duplication of effort in codifying “unstructured” data downstream and will explore solutions to eliminate data processing activities that do not add value and may actually introduce risk of errors.


José Costa Teixeira – UNICOM WP1, IHE Europe
Jane Millar – UNICOM WP1, SNOMED International
Robert Stegwee – UNICOM WP1, CEN/TC 251 Health Informatics


Christian Hay, UNICOM WP1, ISO/TC 215 WG6 Pharmacy and Medicines Business, GS1
Esther Peelen, UNICOM WP1, Nictiz
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