HIS Little Flock

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Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. In today's Little Flock video we cover more new revelation and their connections to the remnant bride who will serve the Lord remaining with Him during His temptation and seals. It's incredible to see and understand the level of detail we can continue to pull out for this group being prepared. I sure hope and pray after all these years that we will be All ready and watching. Having been... Watchers in Advance!

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OUR mailing Address: Alain Dubreuil
PO Box 91085 Royal Oak
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I pray for us ALL and our families that We have our houses in Order and are ready to go! I truly love you all Brothers and Sisters and pray for you and all your families. I look forward to meeting you and yours in our Lord presence very soon:)

The 14 Year Tribulation Timeline Chart Overview. Link;

Opened Books the Chapters to Years. Link;

Israel is the time piece to the End Time Years! Link;

June 17, 2010 video telling of future events happening Now;

RECOMMENED PLAYLIST - for all who are new to the revelations of this ministry -
You can view on the Intro page of the Ministry Revealed website (recommended)
You can also view on the playlist page of our Ministry Revealed YouTube channel

Please continue to support us in getting out the truth, Operation 14 Years. We want to get as many of these USB teachings out there as we can before it all begins. To ship them around the world. AND we would like to know which churches you'd like to see receive one of these packages. If you have a church leader or others in mind please give us their name as well as church address/ shipping info. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD And please don't forget we ask for your prayers first and foremost. Thank you and GOD bless you and your families.

Watch and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape All these things that shall come to pass upon the whole earth and to stand before the Son of man.
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Hello Brother, so excited to get get started. shorts are so awesome.😊 😂😂😂

Thank you for all your teaching videos.The shorts make my heart happy.

l love the word of God. #14ers # mrfamily


Alain we Appreciate You!!! ❤ 😊🔥 ✝️ ❤️‍🔥 Sending Warmth from Gulf Coast Florida 🌴 🌴


Yes. The shorts are good but I look forward to these. 🙂👍


I turned 51 in May, and I like to rejoice saying to my kids one year closer! Your teaching is a great blessing. Prayers for you and your family. We are so close!


These bible studies keep me from growing weary to growing in the word! I thank God for these studies; I don’t know where I would be without them! Once you understand who the gospels speak to & the 14 you cannot unsee it & I can’t stop talking about it! Blessings 14er Family! Jackye ❤🕊️🙏


I agree. I have been weary too. Bless you, Alain. Your teachings keep me going.


Sorry for your discouragement brother, and thank you for your faithfulness and perseverance.
I do watch and thumbs up the shorts, but really enjoy the longer videos myself.
I pray that you are refreshed and renewed, and that you will finish this race strong, and can't tell you how much your teachings and the Spirit in you as you share has edified me over the last few years.


I’m watching again right now (second time) and just wanted to let you know, Alain, that I feel blessed and honored to be a part of this ministry. I feel protective of it and a bit selfish, like I want this revelation all to myself. Like it was meant for me and a special few. Not everyone will cleave to the words in the Bible as we do. I’ve tried many times to try to get my daughter to be interested. We live in the same house and I’m always watching your videos so I know she hears them to some extent. She knows not to interrupt me when new videos come out. When I tell her of specific revelations, her eyes glass over and she changes the subject. But, she does that with everything of substance I try to convey. It’s painful but I realize that not everyone can see it. Alain, you are so blessed to have Win and your precious children. I’d be so lonely here if it wasn’t for you and Rebecca Needham, a friend I’ve had for years and to whom I shared this ministry several years back. We’re a tight knit family here and for right now it’s enough for me. Thank you, Alain. We are all blessed because of you and your teaching of the Word of God. Thank you, Jesus, for bringing this ministry into my life. ❤


I’m not giving in now…. Yes sometimes life’s pressures get me to feel a little weary, but I’ve been here from day one and I’m sticking with it. Maybe I don’t watch all the shorts because having watched the main videos then it’s all been covered. So let us stay faithful, our Bridegroom will return for us 2024 is almost upon us. Praying to be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are coming to pass upon the earth. Amen. God bless you Alain for your faithfulness to this Ministry.


I'm thankful for all your teachings and Blessed to be a part of the 25% that continues to watch everything you post. I was a little weary when the time was push out another 10 months, then my daughter announced her engagement and upcoming Wedding in mid April 2024. PRAISE GOD, for years and years like many watchers I would go to the next possible time . Now I can continue to study and learn more understanding but also help plan my daughters Wedding. Keep the videos coming. God Bless you and your family and Happy Birthday, 51 is a great time in your life .


I’m still on the last video but I’m looking forward to this one too. Thank you, Alain!🙏🏻😃


Man thats cool how the old testament has a direct connection to these guys 😮❤


Street Preaching is getting a Bit Dangerous!!! Pray for me Family 🔥✝️❤️‍🔥


No one has revealed the Scriptures like this before, no one. Know that you work is very much appreciated and it's being used in a way that may not be immediately known to you. I'm in the process of going through every single video, watching all 3 hours, and taking notes as I go. I'm even doing this on my holiday; they're that important. Maybe you could do a verse-by-verse commentary of the Bible, perhaps starting from Revelation?

As a small confirmation on the Rock being struck twice: I'm not sure you're aware that the 66 chapters of Isaiah correspond to the 66 books of the Bible. So:
Isaiah 1 = Genesis
Isaiah 2 = Exodus
Isaiah 40 = Matthew
Isaiah 66 = Revelation etc.
We all know about 2 Thessalonians 2, but it gets even more interesting when you realize 2 Thessalonians is book 53 and thus corresponds to Isaiah 53 which is if course the Suffering Servant.


Hi Allain
When I first watched one of your videos I thought wow.... so many hours, , will i have a concentration level that long?, my second thought was, that the guy must have alot of detail for one heading and not many headings or part 1, part 2 etc
This intrigued me, and my addiction you the Father has grown so so much because of these teachings. I know how you feel, I always thought that if I could explain in a quick way what this is all about that they will be excited . The strangest thing to witness that people just dont get it !!! This information is detrimental to surviving and equipping yourself with knowledge that could protect you. I am blown away by these teachings, the shorts actually help me understand somethings better once I've watched them 🎉


I haven’t left brother, I still look forward to your studies. Admittedly I haven’t been watching the shorts, I prefer the lengthy studies, but I’ll start watching the shorts to help bump the exposure. Much love and blessings to you and all the family 🙏.


Send us some cold weather Alain. It was 97 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday in McAllen, Texas.


I was a little disappointed to understand that it was next year, I took a little break, more due to lack of time despite the disappointment, but still wanting to research and understand. I don't see the time to pick up all my delay on the videos.... I prefer to pick up where you left off to be able to ensure my understanding of the rest. I still love the ministry :)


Awe, it's 71 and breezy.with autumn 🍁🍁🍁 leaves falling here in Alabama. So don't care for the cold. I'd freeze 🥶.


Daniel 1335 days, it should be fulfilled any moment. It will be November 6 (from March 11, 2020), or November 11 (from the first vaccination on March 16). Maranatha.❤🕊🙏
