6 Steps To Nail Your First Open Mic Performance ★ Acoustic Tuesday 179

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You think you can't do it. You're not good enough. You don't have the experience to compete with people who've been doing this for years. But I'm here to tell you that YOU CAN DO IT! So if your goal is to nail your first open mic performance, then check out these 6 steps.

I think the best way to frame this is by telling you about my first open mic experience.

I was drunk, not prepared, my gear was broken, my song was unfinished, I got easily distracted, didn't have fun, and I tried to do everything alone.

Now, I want to tell you what you need to do to prevent this nightmare-ish experience from happening to you. That's why this video will provide a step-by-step guide to help you have the best open mic experience possible.

I'm also covering some big news announcements, including...

00:00 - Intro
01:41 - My First Open Mic
02:40 - #1 Drink the Right Stuff ;)
03:49 - #2 Get Your Gear in Order
05:40 - #3 Know What You're Performing
07:53 - #4 Prepare for Curveballs
09:45 - #5 Team Up
11:07 - #6 Have Fun
13:43 - TAC Family Story
18:11 - Guitarsenals & Comments
25:33 - Acoustic Guitar News
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I‘ve been on stage to play for worship services, I‘ve been on stage to perform in the theater, but NOTHING holds a special place in my heart like my first open mic while I was in Williamsburg, Virginia and after a few spirits, and playing the guitar I brought to the conference and jamming in the hotel bar, someone pipes up and says, „Hey, Mark! The bar down the road has an open mic tonight, grab your guitar and let‘s go!“ And before I knew it, I was swept up into an Uber, pulled into the bar, someone put my name on the signup sheet and handed me another drink! After a few minutes, they called me up there, and realized I brought my Yamaha acoustic, NOT my electric! So, just like you, Tony, I had to borrow the house band‘s guitar. I didn’t‘t was a Thompson! So, there I am with a bass player, a drum kit, and a rhythm electric guitar player asking me, „So, what are we playing?“ Luckily, I‘d already memorized, „Margaritaville, “ so like a nervous pro I yelled out in this loud college-town bar, „MARGARITAVILLE IN D“ counted out a 4 count, then sprang into action. Thank goodness I learned that one a long time ago! Everyone joined in for the verbal riffs in the chorus „SALT! SALT! SALT! SALT!“ It went over so well that they asked me to do another one, so one of my favorite songwriters and singers, Chris Stapleton, had just released, „Broken Halos, “ and I told the house band to come in on the second verse and they, of course, nailed it. Oh, and no, it did NOT go perfectly. I forgot some of the words to the 3rd verses along with some of the vocal modifications that Chris does, but we soldiered on! The place was packed and the clapping and hollering was addicting when I finished! It was a young crowd so when this ‚ole timer got off the stage they started a rapping sequence and the place was on fired. So, I packed up my Yamaha that wasn‘t used, grabbed an Uber back to the hotel, and relished in the moment. My advice to my fellow guitar geeks; SEIZE THE DAY! LIVE A LIFE FILLED WITH JOURNEYS, NOT REGRETS! #guitargeeksunite


A lesson I took from your first open mic experience is "Just do it!" A bunch of things went wrong and you still got through it, & it was a great experience. Most people would have used any of those momentary setbacks as an excuse to not go through with the performance. You pushed through & look at all it has led to. Thanks for doing what you do. Love the show.


I like the list Tony, I’d add- if you’re new to the open mic circuit attend a few before you play. Get to know the people there and the process of getting on the list to perform and how many songs you’d like to do.


When i went to my first open mic, it honestly wasnt that bad for me. But i was kind of in the background playing lead for the band i was in at the time. When i played solo at that same open mic, i was shaking like a leaf, to the point where i had a hard time playing basic chords, but, i managed to get through it with only a few fumbles. Ive been playing at the open mic every Wednsday at That Damn Mary (shout out for my favorite brewery in my area) for over a year now and have made some great friendships with the regulars and the brewers there, so much so that i consider them part of my musical family. As for helping to prepare, i would tell everyone to print out the lyrics to the song their playing. Many times ive practiced and rehearsed the songs im playing, only to forget the lyrics the second i get behind the mic. Anyway, great show as always Tony, see you all next Tuesday.


Wow...!!! Thank you Tony for the Shout Out...! And massive thanks to everyone in the TAC community for all your support over the past 3 years.... Really Truly... Thanx ('Dodgy As' that Steve P ;) )


My first open mic was honestly great - I had a few beers, went up first, and acted like I had been doing it forever. When I was done, one dude put $10 in my hand and said "Great job, buy yourself another drink." I've had plenty of train wreck nights since then though


Acoustic Tuesday (and my lesson in the afternoon) is why I like Tuesdays...


Thanks for your story on your first open mic gig. It's realy encouraging to hear you being so humble about it. I am a worship leader in a local church in a small town called Secunda in South Africa and I often think back on the first time i got on stage doing a live show...I realise that one gets better with time, but its something i constantly work at. For me talent in singing and playing the acoustic guitar don't come naturally. Thanks for a great channel.


I believe I hold the world's record (for better or worse) for open mike performances at 2600 in person and 400 online. The trick of the first performance is that if you get through it without throwing up ONSTAGE you've done well! If you throw up later offstage that's a problem. The first time is really about getting past the emotion of doing something that is somewhat unnatural, IE in nature you don't normally have one animal the center of attention like this, and our biology rebels against doing it.
After you've done it 1000 times it's a piece of cake.
Thank you for your video it's one of the best overviews I've seen on this subject.


That new Billy Strings custom is stunning..


This is a great episode for me. I’ve never done an open mic or a gig but dream of playing for others, maybe at a retirement village, someday. I just need to build up my courage and start connecting with folks.

I love your show every week. It’s entertaining and educational and brightens my day. Your delivery and production quality are top notch as well. Thanks for making this show.


I love your show and the fact that your a huge Blackhawks fan greetings from IL 🤘🏼💙


My first time was a nightmare. Hadn't planned it but got pushed onto stage by friends. No one (12 patrons) was really paying attention except for my 3 friends and my son. I tried playing an original but was so terrified that I couldn't even remember my own lyrics!. I eventually played and sang an acoustic version of Plush by STP, which turned out "ok", but not really.

I've gone several times since but prepared before hand and had a much better experience each time.

If you're thinking of jumping up there, please just do it! You will be nervous, but it's a normal part of it. And that does subside. You’ll be glad you did it, and it's definitely worth it. Good luck!


After doing small bookstore concerts for a while, I wanted to try something different so I did my first Open Mic at a local coffeeshop I never heard of. I went to visit the owners at SoZo in Chandler and they were super nice guys, 2 brothers actually. So we chatted about music for a bit and then the night of the perfomance came and I brought my amp which I probably didn't need to but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I think I could've left it at home because that combo amp is huge and heavy. I did my classical piece on guitar which was hard enough to master as it was at home but for being so nervous at 21, I think I did pretty well and it went really smooth!

It was only the next 2 Open Mics that were a little rough but I made sure to have my backing tracks so I could just play along with them doing just the easy parts so I could have less stress and more fun.

7 years later, I think I would like to do another. You learn a lot about yourself at events like those.


Thank you for sharing, what a night!! Some great food for thought in there for sure!


My first? Had a few beers for a bit of dutch courage, the in house guitar had a different neck width and profile to what I was accustomed to and due to nerves I forgot my own song half way through (I had practiced honest!)
Lastly, my leg started visibly shaking and it took great efforts to keep it tapping in time.

Even though it couldn't have gotten worse, after I finished and made a beeline to the bar, I had a massive endorphin rush.

I have only done a few open mics and that was a while ago. Time to get back on the saddle methinks.


Great show Tony. I laughed out loud at your first open mic story. I have no memory of playing at a live open mic although I look forward to trying it out when things open up. Been really enjoying both playing and listening to the virtual open mics on TAC. I can't recommend these enough for anyone who is trying to overcome "performance anxiety". They are the most support forum for sharing your music on the planet! Not to mention I have heard performances now from 4 continents! I do have about a decade of frequent gigging in my early music history. I totally agree with the strength in numbers idea. Being part of a group - even if just a duo or trio - took so much of the pressure off that I had a lot of fun.


Thanks for this! I was going to do my first open mic with a friend when Covid hit and shut everything down. I'd be lying if I didn't say there was a mix of disappointment and equal parts relief.


Before you begin, take a deep breath, count to ten, or whatever trick you have to take a moment to relax. Before doing open mic I had done karaoke but I had never accompanied myself solo on guitar. I was comfortable getting on stage, but I was so excited that I started the tune way too fast and ended up rushing through it. I needed to take a moment to just chill and think of the tempo of the tune.


My first open mic is coming up next week. I am so excited! I have many supportive family and friends coming along and I can't wait to show them what I can do. Thanks for your insight. You have given me invaluable advice.
