Fanatec Saved? Ex-CEO Responds w/New Offer

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In this breaking news update, learn how former Fanatec CEO Thomas Jackermeier's surprise move injects 25 million euros into Fanatec, rescuing the company from the brink of insolvency. The cash injection, totaling 7.7 million euros in capital increase and 7 million euros from asset liquidity, averts the previously imminent star rug procedure. Shareholders' interests are protected as disappropriation is avoided. Despite Fanatec's substantial market loss, this move signals a potential turnaround, though logistical challenges remain. Stay tuned for more updates on this development in the world of Sim racing. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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I'm not a fanatec fan but i do not won't to see them leave the industry 😢


It would be sad to see Fanatec go out of business, people love to hate them for no reason. People tend to jump on the bandwagon as soon as some complaints rise. The truth is Fanatec makes really good hardware, and like all other products some will have problems, that's common in the manufacturing world but the majority of their shipped products works as intended.

Their new quickrelease is probably the best in the market, and their new Clubsport wheelbases are really good the only issue might be they still require a Fanatec wheel to operate. In my opinion the only thing Fanatec should do is to open up for 3rd party wheels to be used without having to the expensive podium hub.

People hoping they go out of business just because they use some other brand themselves are idiots. Without Fanatec we wouldn't have the gear we have today, at affordable prices, we would probably not have all these new brands either. Competition is good, nd I hope Fanatec survives


Only time will tell. Hopefully it works out, we don't need people losing their jobs this day and age.


Fanatec please dont stop updating firmware and software for my fanatec DD


If Fanatec is gonna survive it needs to sell its product on Amazon... While fixing management and customer service... And cut back on in all the advertising... I feel like they are over spending on advertisement when that money can go to scaling and logistics... IMO


In light of recent events, all those "logistic" problems smell of cash flow issues. Getting items shipped out of China and sent out of fulfillment centers to end customers is problematic if you haven't been paying your bills.


I have a Fanatec setup and is not my first. Also used their custom service on a few occasions and one of the times was just a few months ago. I've always had a really great experience. It would be sad to see them go, but sell off major assets to then rent them back is bad news. It is a common move that investors do to ensure they get the cash back in these types of situations


Fanatec brought the budget direct drive to the masses, we can't lose that competition in the market. There's no other company that offers even half of the options they do. I own two of their wheel rims and a universal hub for my CSL DD.


Hopefully they'll get it squared away. As far as the shipping issues it seems to be resolved for the most part. I went from getting many emails/comments about it per day to maybe 1 a week now so things are looking up from that end.


Interesting how many players in the Sim industry are sailing in such tormented waters. Motorsport games, Fanatec, 505 Games...and God knows how many more.


They can't seriously think that bringing back Jackassermier is going to fix this. He's the one who brought them to the brink of disaster and who CLEARLY does not give a shit about customer service and retention. I would NEVER purchase from them again.


As someone who bought into the ecosystem right before DD’s were launched, and continued buying into it until 2020, I sure hope they can right the ship.
Unfortunately as someone who owns their stuff if I end up needing to replace anything from age or wear, I’m going to go somewhere else as I do not currently have any faith in them. As my gear is now 8 years old the chances of it outlasting the company regaining my faith is slim…
As for anyone outside their ecosystem or maybe looking at a first purchase into sim racing. I would advise looking elsewhere at the moment, however I hope it changes and soon.
I still think the v3 pedals are the best bang for Buck right now, and they were the original QR wheel mount option that I would love to see continue on.


I said a few years ago they have to adapt or die. They haven't responded to market changes so now the clock is very much ticking.


It would be easy to turn things right, considering the quality of the products was and is very good. Less sponsorships, more customer service. At a certain point, right when competition on the market became fierce, they started shitting on the chest of their customers with the result to erase their huge fan base. In my case, when by the end of last year I was about to upgrade my rig with a direct drive base, I looked at Fanatec but the hundreds of complains about shipping time and post sell customer service made me look towards Moza (and I'm really happy about the R12 + KS Wheel combo). I guess a lot of people looked away from them just like I did, especially after the shit show of Black Friday orders (which, by the way, many are still waiting for delivery) and the ridiculous excuses they came with.


Thanks for explaining the situation, well done. I am a Fanatec guy due to easy swap between a variety of wheels as I simulate different series. Would like them to make it for sure.


I hope they make the company all new from the ground up😎 but seriously, i never would have guessed they were worth 300 milly last year. Thank you for the video. Peace✌️


I'm just getting into building my 1st setup. I don't know if I really like their bases compared to the competition. But they have some amazing wheels, and their shifter & handbrake look to be nice for the price. I hope they can either fix their internal problems, or they get bought by a company like Thrustmaster. Either way, I plan to buy 2 maybe 3 of their wheels. And use them with SRM's Fantec USB converters on an Asetek base with Invicta QRs. I plan to get wheel from Ascher & Thrustmaster so a Fanatec base is out of the question.

The Podium Porsche wheel with the Rally module looks amazing, and while expensive as hell the BMW M4 GT3 wheel's a thing of beauty.


So I'm literally waiting on an order for the dd pro, which I still have not received a tracking number for and I ordered it last Sunday. Should I be worried? Should I cancel my order. What happens if they fail?


At a time, Fanatec had very little competition, this is no longer the case, personally, I don't think Fanatec will survive no matter what they do, they created their own problems (victims of their own success perhaps), now they are hurting as a company. Right now, trying to regain customer confidence would be difficult. Let a sinking ship sink instead of trying to save it by pumping hot air into it.


We just need other companies to make wheel bases for console, Moza etc if that happens Fanatec is for sure done for good.
