How to solve a sudoku using 'The law of Symmetry' ?

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Piatato has carved out an absolutely mindboggling classic with a trick known only to a few in the sudoku world. So what are you waiting for ?
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Rules :

Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 box. Classic Sudoku rules apply.

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"Unshackling Sudokus & Puzzles "
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I am Kishore Kumar Sridharan and I have been part of the team representing India in the World Sudoku Championship each year since 2015. I have also won the Classic Sudoku Master Event held during the Indian Sudoku Championship for a streak of 4 successive times. Solving sudokus and puzzles is my passion.

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9:29 for me. After all the possible pointing pairs, I then determined all the combinations for row three. It was east to see that 1 and 4 were in box 1 row 3. From there the rest of the numbers were easily determined.


This is a very nice puzzle. I solved it in 12:04.

I don't really like using uniqueness as a solving technique, though technically it does find a solution (which is all these puzzles ask for) without proving that that is the only solution. By the way, one can argue as follows that there is a rotationally symmetric solution as long as the givens satisfy the symmetry you described: In the final solution take all the digits above the main diagonal, and rotate them by 180 degrees, changing each to its corresponding digit. This will be a solution, and satisfy all the givens.
I solved the puzzle as follows: Notice that 1 has only two possible places in box 1, and three places in boxes 7 and 9. Similarly 2 has only two places in box 9 and three places in boxes 3 and 1. If 1 is in r3c3, it forces 1 to r9c2 in box 7, which forces 1 to r8c8 in box 9. This forces 2 to be in r7c7, which forces 2 to r1c8 in box 3, forcing 2 to r2c2 in box 1. The other possible place for 1 in box 1 is also r2c2, so r2c2 must be either 1 or 2, eliminating 8 from there, placing 8 into r2c1. Similarly one can get that r8c8 must be 1 or 2, eliminating 9 from there, placing 9 into r8c9. This leaves only one place for 9 in row 3, and for 8 in row 7. After this the puzzle solves very easily.
I find that pencilmarking cases when a digit can go into three positions is often helpful. I know that Simon a Mark from Cracking the Cryptic also don't do that in a classic sudoku, only in variants, but I like to do that and they really helped me in this puzzle to find the solution quickly.


Thanks for featuring this. It took me a while to find the break in. I ended up looking for AIC's and found a couple of Nice Continuous Loops using the 2's that cracked it. I need to feature this setter's puzzles on my channel as well.


I like pure Classics the best. Thank you.


Nice puzzle guys. I did spot the symmetry which gives the 3 in the middle and from there it was pretty straightforward. Keep up the good work.


This is somewhat unique concept of sudoku solutions.You must give atleast two more such puzzles


The puzzle seems symmetric under 180-degree rotation plus the following switches: 12, 33 (no change), 57, 89, and 46. Therefore, a unique solution must be symmetric under those changes. If a solution is not symmetric, then a second solution arrives from making those changes. I will try the puzzle, although I will try to avoid assuming uniqueness. (That should be proven.)

I find it useful to pencil in three options in a box as well as two, for various reasons. The one disadvantage is clutter.

I suppose that bifurcating on a two-value cell is as bad as assuming uniqueness and placing a 3 in the center, but that's what I did. One possibility led to multiple collisions while the other didn't. Also both trials led to a certain cell being the same (8). So I placed that, and the rest of the puzzle was straightforwardly solved.


Not understanding law of symmetry you are getting 3 in the centre of 5 th box...?how to imagine rotation of first grid in order to know 9 and 8 are symmetrical ..this is very confusing..can you draw some diagram to illustrate the symmetricity of 9 and 8 and other digits also


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