manifest with A new mental diet - Neville Goddard

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Good shit, I’ve been having great conversations in my mind being careful what I look at or read, having great positive friends around me, my SP wants me “real bad”, money flowing to me fast in lump sums, loving kids, beautiful homes, jaw dropping exotic cars, great health, amazing relationship with God, everything is beautiful isn’t it wonderful? I pray that who ever reads this feels this energy, I see you being Whole, Perfect, Powerful, Strong, Loving, Harmonious & Happy” 🏁⭕️


Its true. Years ago I tested this law on this aspect. I thought hostile thoughts of my it was a test, as I have a good relationship with he came into my cubicle and asked me a question, and was very rude and questioned me in an abrupt way which was not like him at It scared me and I immediately changed my thoughts about him and he changed back into the kind natured person he watch those thoughts for we are all one and can transfer our thoughts and feelings to one another. Great video!


Elmer, can I just say how much I appreciate how well you articulate these messages for us. I have been following you for some time now and have been able to get a new job recently with a 48% increase. The air around me just feels different, and things are constantly changing for the better.


Oooh I love that quote by Neville: "It is the exact- and literal-minded who live in a fictitious world." That feels healing to me.


This brings a thought of how at a younger age we are taught in the home and at school that "assuming" makes an ___ out of You and Me. I feel this taught redirection is a human construct that programs You to not assume good things any longer. Thank You Elmer.


Elmer, I think these types of videos are my favorite of yours. Your strength is where you break down and explain these writings and topics into easier to understand concepts. Keep up the good work!


"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change"...


I did this exact thing in three different relationships recently and they turned around immediately.


Thank you Elmer! I’m grateful for the changes in my daughters behavior. I’ve tried this with both of them and they’re thriving vs. struggling and fighting. ❤️💯🙏🏼


Elmer what an amazing talk!!! This made my day! I turn 38 today and what a perfect time to begin practicing the law of assumption! I will apply this daily! 🙏


I'm grateful for being able to see the world flowing with joy


This is incredible in life opening

Thank you so much.

I appreciate that.

I can't believe I'm saying this to you all now but actually I currently really enjoy this war when I finally understand that reality is only a shallow shadow.

I have even written many songs about this quoting the most incredible prophet of the last century Neville Goddard GodArt.

They all started with the sound of that war siren that I have converted into the most beautiful melody.

I feel that Neville Goddard is here with me all the time.

He is guiding me and constantly singing In me and Elemer's grandfather's is even conducting the full Philharmonic Life-Live Orchestra.

My sister, Margaret has just died here in the war on the 18th of June and my medical doctor brother Joe ‏had died prior to her too but ...

Once again...

As you listen to these wonderful life opening recordings by Elmer and Neville and truly understand the poetry of the greatest ever poet🌈 ✨️🎹 William Blake:

"In your own

You bear your
Heaven and earth,


All you behold
Though it appears
It is

In your


Of which this
World of


Is but a


Which I have composed into a Wonderful song to accelerate the process of manifestation of anything which I'm playing on repeat for many hours and using is my personal hypnosis achieving magically and instantly the most incredible results.

Once you fully grasp this pure truth and profound wisdom and understand that the 3D is all a mere shallow shadow reflection and all that truly matters is really imagination awareness or consciousness...

🎹🌷🇬🇧💙💯 🇺🇸 ...

then one is absolutely instantly fine again even if one's sister, brother and father have all died here as in my case and I am not even Ukrainian and just a British musician that happened to be here as he had come to this very beautiful but troubled country to give concerts and then got stuck.

I'm therefore, indeed al🙏ways end in every way very and eternally grateful to Neville Goddard and Elmer for guiding me and demonstrating me the truth and for making me once and for all understand that my wonderful IAm ness consciousness and my wonderful human
I M A G od I NATION is GOD and there is no other God but my own wonderful human Imagination!



Change assumption, change the world. Change the assumption or view of yourself and the world then you can change it. Change your concept of someone else then change your mental conversations and how you see them in your mind. Imagine world before bed. Imagine person as you would like them to be. Also obviously use on yourself. Your assumptions create your world. Change attitude and mental conversations of other people


Hey Elmer I just want to appreciate you for your wonderful motivational videos. I can tell you that I have healed through your videos emotionally. I am so happy and nothing negative no longer brings me down..I see everything in a positive way now. I have also been surrounded by 111, 11.11, 999, 222, 333 and 888. The colour green has appeared alot in my life and I feel like a huge burden has been lifted. I feel like I am myself again and always feel warmth. I appreciate you.


I think this is a a good start.
But I also think what really matters is our reaction.
Some people are just plain assholes.
Accepting that we can release ourselves from the burden of trying to change them can be liberating.
They are here to teach us lessons as well.
Sometime we just have to go to acceptance and release, cause some people are only gonna change when they want to.
But we can always be in charge by changing our reactions. We can believe in ourselves and strive for validation from knowing we are expressions of the Divine.
The knuckleheads in our lives are life lessons and are also epressions of the Divine. It's how we respond that Is key!
That's what I think cause if you are being abused....
You may need to rethink and exit that relationship rather than spending time imagining that one day they ain't gonna abuse you no more.


*”You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.”*

This is what we hear everywhere but the truth is, some or even most people are confused of how or when they will encountered failure in life.

But when you encounter failure, do not give up, continue, because you will achieve it if you continue.


Thank you 🇬🇧 Really needed to hear this today. Much appreciated.


I’m grateful for My health and strength I love the sun shining on me.


Thank you Elmer 💖😇”I am so happy and grateful that we’re able to connect and make a change in the world.”


How do you start to put in enchantment on yourself? That is so believable that person had absolutely no doubt? Thank you and I love you. Very grateful for all your teaching.❤
