I still really hate this...

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#captainamerica #marvelcinematicuniverse #marvelfilms #marvel #disneyplus #captainamericabravenewworld #thunderbolts #deadpool
Captain America Brave New World received a new trailer where we saw an all new nanotech suit for Sam Wilsons Captain America suit and I really just hate the way the MCU continues to use and especially overuse nano tech in the Avengers and I really want Marvel to move more towards physical costume pieces.

Intro/Outro Music: Home - Resonance
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I sighed a lot when I saw the helmet essentially disappear off cap, at least it’s just the helmet instead of the entire suit but still physical helmets are the way to go


i miss the physical helmets 1 it forced them not to show the actors face every time they need to say something and 2 they looked better because they had a physical prop


Kinda ironic some people hating Ironheart saying she should use nano tech, but then say nano tech is overdone and boring


To survive that sonic stomp in the trailer, he has to be enhanced somehow. Or his suit is made of vibranium, but I thought it was only the wings. The guy accelerated to sonic speed and then superhero landed without slowing down. Black Pnther who has a vibranium suit was floored by way weaker blasts. If there isn't vibranium weaved into his suit, the force should have splattered any human body. I'm not even sure Steve could have survived that. Also he was blasted with said sonic boom too and doesn't seem to be affected. I wonder if his eardrums bursted.


Sam wilson NEEDS the nanotech upgrade. Theyre not going the supersoldier route, so they have to make it make sense somehow sam is as strong as steve rogers was as cap. Theres no fucking way sam could catch a speeding metal shield air borne that could literally slice metals in half without another enhancements himself. The vibranium in his suit really helps a lot, and i think this is a necessary upgrade for him to be a proper captain america, not just falcon


Do you know all the impossible things that happen in these superhero movies? Suddenly everybody has their PhD in physics and engineering when its Sam? I wonder why.


Iron Man and The Wakandans upgraded everyone's technology with Endgame and within Sam's own show, they'd be no point to go back to older technology as it wouldn't make any sense following the progression with the technology in the MCU.


Falcon's glasses should be the part of his helmet and his helmet should be like Iron Heart's helmet (serves the same purpose as nano tech helmet but looks and feels better)


Agree. I think Sam Wilson's Captain America should be a bit more low tech, like the way War Machine uses military technology vs all the fancy tech that Nano Iron Man has. I would even love a lower tech helmet that comes together like in Iron Man 2's suitcase armor, plates of metal sliding into place. It even works better with the way his wing's work and fold out, his helmet should fold out in the same way.


It bothers me too but what bothers me even more is that he's basically pulling off super soldier stuff now. For example, the sonic boom takes out everyone else but not him? The wings can cut a car in half?


These days, masks are all CGI and disappear the moment the actors need face time, just to show off the actors.

But remember back in Winter Soldier, where the masks served a purpose. The final battle had Captain America go out to fight in his old suit, because it meant something to Bucky. And Hydra sent out Bucky without his assassin mask and glasses, because they knew Steve would have a hard time going all out against a life long friend.


I think its funny how his goggles dont disappear with the helmet
Has the same energy as when tony took off his sunglasses purely for dramatic effect


Everytime I see this scene I'm always unable to ignore how that right foot should've definitely been broken.


Deadpool: "Dude, your Ankle is F'd!" 😂😂😂😂


I'm just glad they fixed the headpiece after Falcon and Winter Soldier. The thing was clearly pushing down on Anthony's ears and it looked so uncomfortable.


Here is the problem I have: Marvel is telling me that he still has no super cerium in his veins and that all he needs is a nano-suit to cushion the blow of flying straight down at super sonic speeds and coming to a complete stop in an instant without puking his guts out, breaking bones or stroking out? Sure if this had Wakanda tech in it, I would believe that because kinetic absorption has been demonstrated before, and that was with a super powered human! Perhaps I shouldn't be taking physics so seriously in a comic book movie, but that stunt seems like its asking me to suspend a lot of disbelief.


the landing at 0:43 would literally splatter his legs(ik its a superhero movie, but still i miss the old mcu where there was some practicality shown)


0:43 Sam broke right leg doing that superhero landing 💀


We don’t even know if it’s actually nano tech, but it could be the same technology for how he expands his wings… not to mention the suit was also gifted from the Wakandans in the series so it kinda makes sense in a way.


all they have to do to appease fans for nano tech, is make in one of the movies, a giant electrical wave that somehow breaks the way nano tech works, making it unusable. kinda like when magneto messes with earths magnetic fields.
