The Camera Companies DO NOT Want you to Know This

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You don't have to buy a new camera to be a better filmmaker, a better photographer, despite how tempting they are. What you can do is strikingly simple.....

Thanks to everyone who sent me images. You can see the posts and replies here:

And the accounts of those featured here:

Also featured:

Joe Greer: @ioegreer
Vuhlandes: @vuhlandes
Nigel Danson: @NigelDanson

My Kit:


Photo/Video Lenses

Amazing value Sigma ART Prime Lenses:


(this place is actually AMAZING for creators, much better value than story blocks etc. and you get loads of graphics, animations, music and stock images too. it's so useful for YT and client projects!)

*all the above are affiliate links which means i get a small cut if you buy anything, but you will pay no more. It's a great way of supporting me without it costing you any more :)
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I don't do any giveaways on Telegram - please be careful of anyone trying to impersonate me! Also, thanks for all the support on this - the video has reached way beyond what I expected!! it'll take some time to get through all the comments 🙏🏻


As a 91 year old and still a serious amateur photographer, and a mechanical engineer who worked in the image making industry, (taking photos since I was 13), I agree with your observations and conclusions. If I could, I would send you photos taken by me 78 years ago with a Kodak 120 Autographic Special folding camera that I am proud of today.


We are living in an age of consumerism and the social media algorithms are designed to make us think our desires are our needs. One of the most honest videos I have watched on YouTube. You just got yourself a dedicated subscriber.


I agree 100% . Shooting raw and learning post processing will make a bigger difference in how your photos look. Getting out and shooting a lot will make you a better photographer.


OMG.... it's about time somebody opened up their mouth and stated the obvious. All these YouTube channels trying to tell us to buy the latest gear, reviewing this new camera and this new lens. Thank you sir for this video. It was long overdue!


I've been a professional photographer for 58 years now, and the newest camera I own is 10-12 years old. You "want better pictures"? Keep your camera and make 100 images DAILY. THEN you'll know how to USE your camera properly. The late great Ansel Adams used a 105 year-old POOR QUALITY lens ( a Goertz Convertible Anastigmat ) for at least 50 of his MOST FAMOUS images, on an obsolete format (film size) European view camera, he had to trim-down 4x5 film for. He knew HOW to use what he HAD beyond question. All a lens and camera do is RECORD light and shadows. Learn HOW to use light and what makes an interesting image. "The Command to LOOK" is a classic out-of-print book on composition. Classic painters knew what made people look good. Read-up on them. During the Covid scare, I told a hundred or more beginning photographers to take a soup can, set it on a table in a dark room and use ONE BARE continuous light on a stand and MOVE the light around to SEE the effect on an electronic image. Every single one that tried it became MUCH better photographers. I'm NOT really a portrait photographer, but I've made hundreds of portraits with ONE LIGHT, many that I sold for 5 figures.


Any photographer that eventually goes through this "trap" knows what he is talking about and confirm. I started photography 6 years ago, and I took a loan to buy the most expensive camera and lightning equipment doing projects and hoping it would bring me forward as an artist. I was worried they would break as they were my tools and I needed them to produce. Many years later I`ve now sold most of it and went back to one of my first cameras. I have a few good lenses that are considered "old" and I can bring them out even on a rainy day without worrying. Thanks for an amazing video I hope it can help many people ☺


Isn't that funny just how accurate timing can be sometimes? This video popped up just when I needed it - THANK YOU!
And now you have +1 follower as well.


I totally agree with you, that's why I am asking you and other YouTubers to focus more on the storytelling. Show up examples of pitches to clients, treatments, putting ideas on paper, shot selections etc. The story is where the real art is.


After hesitating because of the cost, I upgraded from a full frame DSLR to mirrorless this summer and wished I had done it several years ago. The improvement in autofocus alone was worth it because with eye AF I'm getting far fewer rejects that were a bit soft or missed focus altogether, and am spending less time trying to nail focus. I also see improvements in detail in portraits and better colour rendition. Another big improvement is night photography. The last few times I've gone out to do urban scenes I left the tripod at home and I don't miss it. I'm getting away with ISO 2000 where I would never attempt it before. I'm glad I didn't see this video when I was looking for a new camera!


This is the most honest and truthful explanation of buying a camera I’ve seen from anyone on YouTube. Because, sir, you are speaking straight truth. Glad I found your channel! Thanks!


Blowing thousands on the newest tech is waste of money. There are paid photographers that still shoot on dslrs and movies/commercials being recorded on older cinema cameras with older lenses.


Learning to shoot with the gear you have is the best lesson in photography I've learnt so far. 👌


I couldn't agree more! Grew up in the 60s last century with fully manual film cameras. No AF, no automatic programs, even no light metering. You had to learn the whole stuff the hard way and I am glad to have made this experience!


1st SLR I owned was a Pentax K1000, with which I learned not just how to take pictures, but also how to develop them in a darkroom. I love how practical digital photography is, but there is nothing more magic than seeing your image emerge in a little plastic tray of chemicals.


‘it’s all about investment into the creative process, not investment into the gear you use for that creative process.’ so much more valuable. well said my friend.


I have been in the photographic industry for 61 years and from what you said you have hit the nail on the head!


Thanks' for this advice! I retired five years ago and took up photography as a hobby and still shooting with DSLR's. I have been reading and thinking about the greatest and latest mirrorless cameras, which are just priced out of budget.
I shoot with a Canon 80D and a Canon 6Dii, funny thing is I prefer the older 80D. At this point in my life, I now realize that I need to work on my skills, not improving my equipment.
I feel that you have saved me a lot of disappointment and money.
Thank you again.


Spot on! In 40 years of photography, I've only bought two cameras new. One was a Hasselblad in the late 70s, and a new Canon 5D MK IV (and I have 3 other used MK IV bodies used). I still shoot film cameras that are up to 100+ years old. The best part is that I can use 'vintage' DKL mount lenses from the 1950s and adapt earlier lenses to digital cameras. Megapixels are, for the most part, a marketing ploy. Mirrorless is also a marketing ploy for 99% of what anyone needs. Also, new technology is prone to "Infant mortality" in comparison to older, tried and true DSLRs. Buy used, buy only what you need for what you do.


I Bought used: Nikon D810 - 36mp & D600 - 24mp, both for £725, both very low Shutter counts..
