Arnab's Fresh Questions On New Angles In Saif Ali Khan Case And The Ever Growing Inconsistencies

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Arnab's Fresh Questions On New Angles In Saif Ali Khan Case And The Ever Growing Inconsistencies

Arnab Goswami raised fresh questions on the Saif Ali Khan case, delving into new angles and highlighting the increasing inconsistencies surrounding the situation. With crucial details still emerging, Arnab pointed out discrepancies in the timeline and statements, questioning the credibility of certain accounts. As the story unravels, the growing number of contradictions has raised concerns about potential cover-ups, making it one of the most talked-about cases in recent days.

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Who cares ???? We give too much importance to Bollywood


The guy stealing the shoes is different to the guy climbing down the stairs also he is wearing different clothes


Does not pass the smell test. Reminds one of the way in which the SSR case was investigated.


Now it is proved that SAIF is Superman + He Man + Spider Man + Tarzan + Phantom ++++ !


Probably just wanted sympathy to avoid confiscation of his 1500Cr Bhopal Property under the enemy property act! 😇


So much happening in world Indians are just bothered about Bollywood


Mumbai police should hand over the case to Arnab😂


I think he planned to stage attack to get sympathy from people against "enemy property act".... He tried to give it communal angle but failed miserably....
They won't catch real culprit because he was paid to do it...


1. Staged to buy time for the case going on in MP court under enemy's property act.
2. Is there some movie due for release.
3. It is obvious that Saif was not seriously hurt So, whose blood was in the lift ? What happened to that person ?
4.What about CCTV footage of the hospital at Saif's entry time ?
5. Auto driver's testimony ?
Has hush money been given to staff and auto driver ?
Did Kareena stay back to manage the other person who was actually seriously hurt ?


The intruder was wearing a black tshirt when climbing up the stairs, a white shirt when stealing the shoes, and again a black tshirt while coming down the stairs. 🤨🙈


They will do anything to save their careers shame shame


What are they hidding dal Pura kala hai
Arnab goswami well done


Strange COINCIDENCE Kareena reached home almost the same time as the incident. And Afsar Zaidi He’s also in the picture. A fight happened here with the trio. Why did he left Mumbai already??? Is he injured


Its not a private matter if innocent citizens are blamed, caught, and interrogated for the crimes that they did not commit. If they wanted to keep it private, withdraw the FIR. Apologize and compensate those who have been wrongly caught by police, one of the fellow caught by RPF lost his marriage proposal and his job. That's unacceptable.


Arnab does not have any other news, this is his prime-time news now. Such a substandard media actor.


May be he needs shoes for his farewell. But how he knows his and saif's shoe size is same😅


This family is from khandhahar this great grand father name is Mohamad faiize thalab khan, from baraze tribe. He use to work as daily labour for the excavation in lakes. They moved to India by British for the same work in the group. And this thala khan went to war with British aganist Indian kings for that British gave them 50 to 100 villages to rule in haryana. This is there history from labour to patudi 😂😂


If kareena at home why she didnt accompany him to hospital or she could have droven the car herself why auto?? Total fishy matter, thinking all journalists and common man as fools😮


I’m in medical 🏥 field more than 12 year in(🥺never seen like this happen🖕🏿 ) European country especially in recovery ❤️‍🩹 room people after surgery done and Rehabilitation to get physically fit cases like Saif Ali type surgery and they stay three to five days if deep tissue or bone hurt or operation stay a week or more than that.
God Bless Lilavati Hospital 🏥 done black magic by Dr to surgery done ✔️ like Bollywood film 🎥 hero walk and control crowd around him as we see on screen 📺 of reporter ha ha magical hospital 🏥 Healthcare ministry must look after all fake story like this Wake up 😂normal people please Jai hind India 🇮🇳 long live truthfully ❤️🇮🇳🏥


Isn’t funny not calling ambulance at a life threatening situation?
