Patient dies while waiting for care in Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre emergency department

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A patient died this week while waiting for treatment in the crowded emergency department waiting room at Manitoba's largest hospital, where nurses say they are so overwhelmed they simply can't keep an eye on everyone all the time.

"We are investigating a potential critical incident that occurred during a one-hour window on Feb. 27 in the [Health Sciences Centre] emergency department," a Shared Health spokesperson told CBC News in an email Wednesday.

"An initial review of the circumstances surrounding this event is underway."

Privacy legislation prevents the health agency from speaking to the specifics of the patient's case, the spokesperson said.

It's unsettling news but also not unexpected, Manitoba Nurses Union president Darlene Jackson said.

"I've been hearing from nurses in the ER for quite some time with regards to their fear that incidents like this would happen, just because of the working conditions and the lack of staff to monitor patients," she said.

"It is a shame and condolences to the family that this happened. It is such a shame that our health-care system has fallen into this disrepair."
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I was brought to an ER in the middle of the night. For some reason I had trouble urinating. A very uncomfortable feelings no to say the least. To make a long story short, I was told by the doctor to stop complaining or else he’s going to have me escorted out by security. I could not believe what I just heard. I’m a 60 year old woman, still working. I was woken up from a sleep with needing to go to the bathroom but nothing was coming out, the pain was excruciating. When the Dr. said stop complaining I just wanted to walk out but I was in too much pain. Believe me I wish I could be sound asleep in my bed because I have to be up at 6 for work.


Of the CPC would invest in public health then this wouldn't be happening


A lot of times I have witnessed people going to emergency rooms for nothing a lot of people should be able to go to thee doctors or have a nurse come to them instead of packing the e.r but nope our family doctors we can’t get in for months. That’s bullshit


Our family doctors won’t see us for months which is leaving the emergency room over crowded blame our doctors try o


I would like to know why the City has money to fix the streets but no money for my mom who has CANCER AND NEEDS SURGERY BUT SAY THEY CANT DONIT CAUSE THEYRE BROKE. Makes no sense.
