How Travel Will Change You - 8 Life Lessons

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Does Traveling really change people? I think so. I think, traveling will change you. I'm speaking in this video about 8 life lessons (reason, motivation and personal experiences) traveling around the world thought me.

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traveling will change you, why traveling will change you, how traveling will change you, does traveling change people, what traveling thought me, travel around the world, life lessons learned through traveling, minimalism, human connection, personal growth, travel motivation, travel advice, how traveling changed my life, what traveling thaught me, why you should travel the world
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Yes to those bloopers at the end 😂

And it’s so strange watching a video like this having ‘settled down’ - I still relate to a lot of what you’re talking about. And find many of those aspects (comfort etc) of change in different ways now - in mountains, climbing - but a lot of the people and culture points you made take me right back to living abroad and how I was dramatically changed.

Wonderful and thoughtful video 💓


Super Video!!!
Schöne Struktur, sehr verständlich und schöne und passende Aufnahmen.
Davon kannst du gerne mehr machen. Denke hier hast du ein super Format gefunden! :)


Great video! I'm currently living in Spain for my semester abroad and I am sort of looking forward to looking back and seeing how my time will have changed me. For now I'm trying to make the time here the best I can!


How did traveling change you? Let me know!


Hi Pirate! Glad you're ok, glad to hear from you! Yeah traveling is our way, we travel as much as we can! I've never realize what is happening with us, but I'm in dependence of that thing! Last new year trip was like that: Brest, Torun, Melnik (Czech), Prague...Kutna hora


Sehr gutes Video und das Thema wie immer wundervoll herausgearbeitet. Weiter so
