Yellow-breasted Chat

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This yellow-breasted chat was spotted at a CLT preserve by some sharp-eared volunteers who were able to identify it by its cascading song and assortment of sounds. This was shared with us to be an “exciting experience!” Yellow-breasted chats aren’t normally found in western Washington during the breeding season, but this little guy ended up here anyways! Maybe the shrubby habitat along Stillman Creek attracted him?
🎥 Mike Melton
Be on the lookout every Friday on our social media accounts and YouTube for the latest Bird of the Week. We hope you enjoy learning about the amazing diversity of feathered friends benefitting from local land conservation!
#BirdsOfWashington #BirdsOfPugetSound #PNWBirds #CLTBirds #CLTBirdOfTheWeek #BirdConservation #Conservation #PugetSound #BirdingByEar #WashingtonBirding #YellowBreastedChat
🎥 Mike Melton
Be on the lookout every Friday on our social media accounts and YouTube for the latest Bird of the Week. We hope you enjoy learning about the amazing diversity of feathered friends benefitting from local land conservation!
#BirdsOfWashington #BirdsOfPugetSound #PNWBirds #CLTBirds #CLTBirdOfTheWeek #BirdConservation #Conservation #PugetSound #BirdingByEar #WashingtonBirding #YellowBreastedChat
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Yellow-breasted Chat